a sign

Everything ain’t/is a sign

She’s been seeing love bugs and said it was a sign of love and luck.

He was seeing frogs everywhere. Said it meant renewal and abundance.

Ole girl thought the rainbows she was seeing meant growth and good fortune.

Meanwhile, I was rolling my eyes and thinking, “Everything ain’t a sign!” After all, ain’t it the season for love bugs? And me and my daughter see frogs every single night during our walk. Lizards during our morning walk. And rainbows show up whenever sunlight breaks through rain clouds.

My sign cynicism was challenged immediately. Like, within days.

We were on the highway from New Orleans to Monroe to visit my uncle for his birthday. The whole four-hour stretch, I saw yellow butterflies. My initial reaction was that it was a sign, then my sign cynicism reminded me it was probably just yellow butterfly season down in the delta.

While in Monroe, me and Uncle Larry went to visit my grandmother’s grave. “Oh, hell no!” was my response when I realized she ain’t have flowers on her resting place and everybody around her did. We went to the dollar store and bought a big ass bouquet of bright yellow (fake) sunflowers. That was her favorite kinda flower. She actually planted some in front of her house that we were once taller than me.

Holding the flowers and walking back to Mama Jessie, a yellow butterfly floated right in front of my face. “Awwww!” then “Nahhh!”

Spirit was like, “Turn the volume up on that ass. She ain’t listening.”

  • Topped off my gas tank before hopping back on the highway to go home. The total: $5.55.
  • Got home. Checked the time: 5:55 while my phone was on 55%.
  • Boyfriend visits and buys us breakfast. He tipped $5.55, and I had not ONCE mentioned the “signs” to him.
a sign

I gave in. “I hear you, Spirit.”

Before Googling everybody else’s interpretations, I question my own. Then I check theirs to see how it might intersect. The signs ain’t been slowing down either, and I take all of that to mean that I need to slow down and listen more. Pay more attention to my inner and outer world. Time out to tune in. Spend less time online and more time in prayer.

And I’m hearing what needed to be heard.

So maybe, just maybe, everything is a sign.

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