Designing The Next Level

May was a rough month. I felt stuck in many areas of my life. I wasn’t (yet) depressed and I damn sure wasn’t giving up, but I was beyond ready for the next level.

There were (and still are) millions of things that I cannot control, but there are a good number of things that I can. That’s what I focused on. And that’s what rescued me from drowning in the pool of ugh. I concentrated on fundamentals such as how I treated my body. I began eating breakfast and organic produce, making smoothies, drinking more water, and incorporating new exercises into my routine.

I added some dance cardio, more yoga, plenty of stretching, and a walking session after each run. With my Nike running app, I finally made it to the orange level. The feeling was phenomenal! That was my moment! Writing gives you a very similar experience.

While showering, I had a vision of what the next level looked like. It lasted for all of three seconds. Got out the shower and headed to the closet to meditate. Yeah, I wanted the stillness, but I wanted the rest of that vision more than anything. I didn’t get that, but I did get this:

The kids are watching.

In the same manner that I watched my parents during their ups and their downs. I knew when they were happy as a couple. I knew when they had a little money in the bank. I knew when they had a bad day at work. I knew when they didn’t feel like being bothered. I was very studious and was blessed to have children that are twice as keen. I don’t want to pass down the habit of allowing life to control my emotions. I noticed too how important it is to be honest with him. CJ is eight and Kobe is four, but they both value honesty and can smell bullshit from three miles back.

Don’t be afraid to try something new.

I made a smoothie with spinach, avocado, peanut butter, bananas, strawberries, almond milk, and chia seeds. Three months ago, I would’ve politely declined. But I tried it, loved it, and knew exactly how each ingredient was serving my body. I also tried a different style of meditation. I tried a new strategy with my business. The way that I was trying to teach Kobe how to read wasn’t working, so I tried a new method and it worked.

Sometimes it won’t make sense until you do it. 

That means you have to have the courage to do it–should the situation call for it. In my case, it didn’t take courage. It was knowing that I had nothing to lose. It was based on curiosity and just needed to see what would happen. One example was the suggestion of my business consultant to hire some writers/editors to help out with the workload, giving me more time to focus on my passions. Initially, it made no sense; I couldn’t afford to pay anyone else. I went for it anyway and all kinda light bulbs started showing up.

Take full responsibility for the experience you’re having.

A few months ago, I took a Radical Self-Expression course online. In it, there’s a workbook that will guide you in creating your own manifesto. During my meditation session, I was nudged back to it. I tweaked it a bit and got it right where I want it to be. It reads:

I take full responsibility for the experience that I am having. With that responsibility comes the need to embrace new knowings and to release fear-based becauses. Today I command all the resources in my power–known and unknown, old and new, brewing and fully birthed–to surround me, to envelope me, and to guide me to the experience that I now choose to have. In this new and permanent experience, my life consistently involves more meaningfulness. I spend my days in gratitude for authentic joy and optimal support. I recognize myself as Co-Creator of my reality, and as such, I take advantage of the fact that intuitive based decisions can’t go wrong. This journey of giving voice to my feelings is constantly working in my favor to move me more and more fully into my Me-ness. And I practice being present so that I may feel every moment and remember my role as Co-Creator. All of this, I understand and accept today. 

I know what the next level looks like. I know how it feels. Today I claimed it. I’m in it. It’s my reality. So I can now work on designing the next level. What’s yours looking like? A book? If so, let me know how I can help. 



10 responses to “Designing The Next Level”

  1. Katrina Harrell Avatar
    Katrina Harrell

    Trelani, thanks for sharing this! You pulled me right in and so glad you are honoring your journey this way. That awareness is so important and key to just living! Thank you for sharing and nudging others to trust themselves to “go there”. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s all ALL good. 🙂

    Much much love!!!! 🙂


    1. Trelani Avatar

      No problem! Thank you. #SoulDiscovery and Whole Life Soul were a large part of my motivation.

  2. Monique Avatar

    Thank you for this. It’s life design to the fullest. Reading about the conscious choices you are making in your life, is such motivation for me to step it up a notch. I’m feeling you on getting clear on your vision for that next level. That has been my through process too, but I have not give myself the time to be still and see or feel it.

    This was confirmation for me to really commit to my physical wellness, which I know will have such a positive impact on my mind & soul.

    With Gratitude!

    1. Trelani Avatar

      The smallest changes make the biggest difference, making you WANT to make more and more changes for the better.

  3. CJJohnson Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your “moments” for May! I applaud your attitude towards growth and what you can control! I also sooooo think its awesome that you added “take full responsibility for the moment that you are having” ILOVETHAT! People often see everything as isolated incidents versus seeing the whole picture, how they navigated through it, and what they can do to flourish/nourish from it!!!

    1. Trelani Avatar

      I love it, too! You have to take the course! It’s…everything. The link is in the blog.

  4. Nichelle Avatar

    I think I should rewind and re-read over and over. This is written in my language. I love how you took steps to control the most fundamental aspect of your life…your body and mind. This is a wonderful, well-expressed, and honest piece.

    1. Trelani Avatar

      Rewind, reread and refresh as much as needed. Your poetry has the same effect.

  5. […] living the life that we want (not the one we’ll settle for). Going back to my post on taking full responsibility for every moment, setting intentions reminds you of your control over your experiences. They gift […]

  6. […] ain’t an issue, then you gotta care for you in spite of not having a dollar to your name. May 2014 taught me that. That’s when I embraced the notion of taking full responsibility for my experience. I may not […]