7 tips for maintaining your manifestation power when shit gets crazy!

1. Limit social media.

You probably won’t be feeling too productive during this time, and because you aren’t getting much “work” done, mindlessly scrolling your newsfeed is likely to make you feel worse. At least for me it does. I feel like I’m wasting time. Not to mention that you’re also bombarded with others’…stuff.

Option: Choose a day of the week or block of time each day to turn off social media. During this time, use these 5 writing prompts to realign.

2. Wata, wata, wata!

Gotta drink that water. When you’re not drinking enough water, you feel…off. You feel confused, irritated, and tired. On top of everything else that’s going on right now, you don’t need to add that to the mix. Avoid it by drinking enough water. Personally, I’ve been buying the gallons of water with a goal of finishing one per day.

3. Go outside.

It’s all in the melatonin. It makes you feel better. It makes you sleep better at night. If you’re near a beach, go! Take your laptop or notebook out to the park and work outside for the day. Think of it as recharging, and when you can get some grounding in too. Going barefoot on the earth (not the concrete) works very well for this.

4. Calendar everything.

Stuff you gotta do. Stuff you wanna do. Write it down. This way, you don’t have to worry about jumping up out of bed at 3:45 a.m. like I did, worried that you forgot to submit an assignment.

5. Check your calendar twice a day.

At least. I check mine in the morning and again around, or after, lunch. I’m often adding to the list/calendar as the day goes on, so I don’t want to forget those things. Be sure not to neglect the soulwork when adding all the strategy to your list. Otherwise, you’ll burn the fuck out. It’s called the 70/30 approach to work-life harmony. Check it out here.


It’s what we do. It’s how we gain understanding and clarity. How we get our thoughts straight before we open our mouths. How we vent. Where we cry. Where we remember. How we empower and serve the soul. During crazy seasons, be particularly open to writing out of order. You might be on chapter two, but if some other chapter is speaking to you, work on that. If you don’t feel like being bothered with the book, journal, blog or write a letter.

7. Think around the bullshit.

Out of town and lost my debit card. My business account locked up because I hadn’t warned the credit union that I was leaving town. Whoa! All I could do was figure out how to fun for free. After missing my flight, I finally made it back to the car to find a flat tire and dead battery. Called Triple A and used the time it took for them to get there to free up space on my phone then meditate. Also reminding myself that those big intentions that I set requires big shifts, which is what I’m feeling. That helps tremendously!

When your own thoughts are letting you down, reach out to a friend. Or comment here. I promise you, everyone reading this is feeling something right now. Just hearing and seeing that you aren’t alone is sometimes all it takes.


2 responses to “7 tips for maintaining your manifestation power when shit gets crazy!”

  1. Andrea Lamar Avatar
    Andrea Lamar

    Glad I keep all your emails, I needed this one this morning! Thanks!

    1. Trelani Avatar

      You’re welcome.