Today’s prayer, meditation, and affirmation

This post will sound like I’m talking to you, but it’s Spirit talking through me. I went for a run this morning and got fed plenty of Godsay–right on time. Here’s the conversation:

The prayer:

I feel so overwhelmed. I got so much to do, and I don’t really wanna complain because I feel like that’s being ungrateful. Technically, I asked for this. While it’s a lot, it’s really all good stuff. But that don’t stop me from feeling like screaming in my pillow, locking my room door, and being by myself tonight. It’s crazy though because I know that I can do that, if I wanted to. I give myself full permission to do just that, but I don’t want to. I want to feel covered and supported and grounded. Good. I just wanna feel good.

The meditation:

Focus on one thing at a time. If you worried about how far you had to go in this run, you’d never finish. You’d stop. But you mastered the art of focusing on your stride, your breath, and your posture. You learned that through consistency. And you’ll learn this too, through consistency. One task at a time.

There’s really only where you are right now. How you want to feel right now. What you need right now. And you’ve acknowledged all of that. Have you congratulated yourself for that? Not long ago, that wasn’t your way of thinking.

You are rising. You are great. You wanted to take So Fundamental to another level and you did. You wanted to increase your peace of mind and you did. You wanted to invest in more women- and black-owned businesses, take better care of yourself, school your children at home, etc. And you’re doing all of that.

You’re mastering the art of using resources instead of excuses. Mastering, not mastered. You’re still learning. And as you’ve already learned, one of the best ways to attract what you need (and want) is through gratitude and affirmation.

It was divine timing that you read that article this morning. That you acting on it. You needed to realize that you’re already doing. You’re in motion already. But you don’t want to neglect the soul in what you do. Remember why you’re in this and how you want to be in this: through love, life, light, and liberation.

You are all of that. And everything you do is of that.

The closing:


I am: I am peace.

I want: I want to go through this day peacefully.

I will: I will go to bed tonight feeling fulfilled.

I love: I love my life.

I speak: I speak life.

I see: I see myself looking back on this day and being proud of myself.

I know: I know that all is well.




7 responses to “Today’s prayer, meditation, and affirmation”

  1. Sharisa Robertson Avatar
    Sharisa Robertson

    Love as always!!!! The closing part, I have this (chakra affirmations) on my wall, I saw it on a shirt. But I have I feel instead of I want and I understand for I know. I added I succeed as my bonus.

    1. Trelani Avatar

      Thank you, Sharisa! I used to do a meditation/visualization over my seven main chakras. I started after doing beaucoup research on the function of each one and it came to me. I looked it up afterwards and found many close affirmations, which served as crazy confirmation for me. I even do it with the kids some mornings and they love it. I like the added “I succeed”!

      1. Sharisa Robertson Avatar
        Sharisa Robertson

        WOW! That is crazy confirmation. It is funny too because it was because of the shirt I saw on FB, that I was able to recognize the chakra affirmations in your book.

  2. Itiel Avatar

    I am always so appreciative of your transparency. Thank you for ALL of this. #reflection

    1. Trelani Avatar

      Thank you for being here. #love

  3. Cassandra Avatar

    Did I sign up for your blog? I don’t remember when or how, but I am so glad that I did! Thank you for your beautiful inspiring words of wisdom and Spirit this morning. Namaste

    1. Trelani Avatar

      You signed up at the Cultural Awareness festival here in Savannah about a week ago 🙂 Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you and namaste, sis.