You Are Woman, You Are Divine: Book giveaway + review

You Are Woman, You Are Divine: The Modern Woman’s Journey Back to the Goddess

Perfect title for an amazing experience. You can’t just call it a read because it’s so much more than that. From the time I opened the box and peeped the beautiful cover and included note, I was blown away. While I love reading books in waiting rooms and cafes, I preferred not to do that with her (her being the book). I wanted to clean the clutter and sage the energy of the room first.


When reading her, make sure you have your highlighter, notebook and pen ready. It’s that kinda book. Yeah, you’ll be lulled by the poems and swept away by the stories of the goddesses, but it’ll circle back to you by the end of the chapter with journaling prompts, rituals (i.e. oil making, alter building, choosing stones/crystals, and sacred baths), and moon phases, which I found to be extremely helpful.

“Crescent moons are messengers that guide us in and out of our creative flow. The waxing crescent moon is also called the new moon, and represents letting go of the old, and welcoming in the new, fresh starts, and the beginning of new projects. When this moon occurs in the waning phase, it is about gathering information and resources and finishing projects. Yemaya is the crescent moon for both of these phases, assisting in the starting and the completion of your creative project” (101).

My one complaint is that Isis, an Egyptian goddess, is misrepresented as a white woman. Eve too. Because Hollywood subtracts melanin so much already in the name of “conventionality,” I cringe when I see it in our sacred spaces. It matters. Even with that, I’d still rate the book 5 stars.

A lot of it is information you can find online, but most of it is not. Plus, it’s all compiled here in one neat source–You Are Woman, You Are Divine (I think I like saying that). You’d think it was a textbook the way mine is highlighted and the notes that I’ve taken from it. While this book is timeless, I think right now is the perfect time for it.


In droves, women are moving out of religious spaces and into more personal and simplified spiritual ones. We’re reclaiming our personal power and re-prioritizing the voices of our intuition. We often keep tangible items like crystals and oils and sage to remind us of and to help us access our power and voice. We’re growing more conscious to the fucked upped-ness of the white patriarchal societies. As a result, I think, we’re paying more attention to goddesses. In doing so, we’re beginning to honor our natural rhythms and yearnings.

Are you the budding, the blossoming or the rooting woman? You’ll have to read her to find out 😉 The author, Renee Starr wanna giveaway a copy of You Are Woman, You Are Divine to one of my readers. All you have to do is comment below, and I’ll pick a random goddess to bless up!


13 responses to “You Are Woman, You Are Divine: Book giveaway + review”

  1. Sharisa Robertson Avatar

    I would love to win a copy (I already have my highlighter, pen, and paper ready, lol). Seeing the pic of the beautiful sister too captivating me As I shared with you (Trelani) the point I am at in my life, spiritually, I believe this book would be perfect to carry along in my journey. Plus I am dying for a book to read and to be honest, I never read a book along the lines of this.Your review was very intriguing and honest. Thanks!!!

    1. Renee Starr Avatar

      Thank you, thank you Trelani, for this very intelligent and lovingly crafted review! Your words have gone deep into my heart.

      As an aside, throughout the writing of this book, I often called it ‘Her’ and ‘She’ as if this book were The Goddess Herself. When I say prayers and invocations over the copies that I send out, I ask that the words go deep into the hearts of the women who read Her and that they find their way back to Her.

      I am so excited to see who wins a copy of You Are Woman, You Are Divine…let the goddessness continue!

    2. Renee Starr Avatar

      Sharlsa, I am sending you blessings on your path, and and wisdom for your journey back to The Goddess…may you see Her in yourself!

  2. Cj Avatar

    Sounds like a book I need to read. I would love to find out if I am budding, blossoming or rooting.

    1. Renee Starr Avatar

      Sharlsa, I am sending you blessings on your path, and wisdom for your journey back to The Goddess…may you see Her in yourself!

    2. Renee Starr Avatar

      CJ, let me know when you find out! Sending you blessings on your journey back to The Godddess!

  3. Teddy Rose Avatar

    Thanks for taking part in the tour. I’m glad you loved ‘You Are Woman, You Are Divine’!

  4. Sherry Worthem Avatar
    Sherry Worthem

    Trelani, I am flattered that you would present me with an opportunity to possibly win a copy of “You Are Woman, You Are Divine.” I believe this book has been calling my name. A friend and I were recently speaking about building an alter, blessing ourselves, etc. And, just the other day, I had a “random” thought about stones. I realize now, it wasn’t so random. Even if I am not chosen to receive a free copy of this book, based on what I’ve read from your comments and observations, I know this book is a “must” read, even if I have to purchase it to do so. I have my highlighter and I’m ready to go digging through the text to find my treasures.

    1. Renee Starr Avatar

      Sherry, may the treasures that you find while reading my book be like blessings as you make your back to The Goddess!

  5. Jeanean Avatar

    For years I never thought of myself as divine. Finally realizing at the wonderful age of 40 that I am has been quite a rollercoaster journey. This sounds like the kind of book I need at this stage in my life.

  6. Jeanean Avatar

    For years I never thought of myself as divine. It has taken years to realize that I am indeed a divine woman. I know this is the kind of book I need at this stage in my life to help me continue on my journey.

    1. Renee Starr Avatar

      Jeanean, may you continue to discover your goddessness, your divinity and your sacredness. Blessings as you make your way back to The Goddess!

  7. Renee Starr Avatar

    Thank you, thank you Trelani, for this very intelligent and lovingly crafted review! Your words have gone deep into my heart.

    As an aside, throughout the writing of this book, I often called it ‘Her’ and ‘She’ as if this book were The Goddess Herself. When I say prayers and invocations over the copies that I send out, I ask that the words go deep into the hearts of the women who read Her and that they find their way back to Her.

    I am so excited to see who wins a copy of You Are Woman, You Are Divine…let the goddessness continue!