Tag: writing

  • Write your novel 10x better with Myers Briggs

    If you haven’t already, take the Myers Briggs personality test and discover your own MBTI personality type. Of all tests I’ve done, this one is, by far, the most accurate. I’m an INFP, and if you’re familiar then that gives you a great sense of who I am. Then I…

  • Writing through the retrograde

    If you feel like it, that is. In a super brief summary, a retrograde happens when Mercury catches up with Earth and gives the illusion that it’s spinning backwards. When this happens, coincidentally (or not), we tend to feel thrown off. So much so that even your electronics may be a…

  • Three easy lists that spared me much anxiety

    I plopped down on the bed. Face in pillow. This can’t be life. I’d sworn that 2015 was going to my year, yet I wasn’t exactly progressing. I was doing much, if not more, of the same stuff from 2014 like ending my day exhausted but not really being able…

  • Happy National Thyroid Awareness Month

    Prior to being diagnosed, I had zero clue what a thyroid was. All I knew was that women often blamed their weight gain on their thyroid acting up. I’d gone to the doctor, seriously thinking that I was losing my mind. I only wanted confirmation for a referral for insurance…

  • It’s not too late to set your 2015 goals

    January 1st has come and gone. Though many warned that if you hadn’t already planned 2015 way back in like November of last year, then you were already behind. So what does that mean? That you either plan late and accept being behind? Or what? In this little space we…