Tag: writing

  • How I regain control of my thoughts

    One thought spiraled down a staircase that could have very well ended up in depression. In short, I was beginning to believe that my dreams were too dreamy, too idealistic, and maybe even a bit unrealistic. I couldn’t tell you where the thought started. It just happened. And while I…

  • Fundamental principles of writing better content

    I went to lunch with some friends this past weekend. We got talking about hair and one of them mentioned that she doesn’t attract as much attention from men when she wears her natural hair as she does when she her hair straightened. I asked how she felt when she wore…

  • Smudging to clear writer’s block

    WTF is smudging?  It’s another one of those things that we’re just getting hipped to that our ancestors, particularly Native American, have been doing since forever. It’s a bundle of dried herbs that you burn to clear out negative energies, bad vibes, stale air, and other ugh ish. You can use sage,…

  • Free writing strategy

    Free Writing Strategy! You want to write a book, but you’re having trouble getting to the finish line. You have an idea…   Let’s schedule a 30-minute phone chat to talk about your vision. I’ll give you some options. You’ll choose which one feels best, then I’ll share the next three…

  • The two types of clients I serve

    One of them is a speaker. Though I serve both men and women, for the sake of simplicity, I’ll use “she” in this article because the bulk of my clients are women. She’s either a motivational speaker, a coach, a teacher, or a leader of some type. She’s a businesswoman.  She…