Tag: quotes

  • How to deliberately make more space to design the next level

    My car was stolen last Friday and I was in between vending spaces, so I had all kinds of goods in the trunk: all of my books, a few paintings, crystals, collected rocks and seashells, and more. Every time I’d remind myself that Universe makes no mistakes, something else would…

  • Your God-say ain’t mine

    “Refuse to confuse desire with necessity, especially when it comes to being understood.” That’s another quote from Women Who Ain’t Afraid that has, yet again, shown up for me at the most beloved time. I would love to be understood, but I understand that it won’t always happen. So while…

  • Doing nothing is actually part of the plan

    “Some days ain’t meant to be worked nor planned. Some days I need to take the wheel, and for that, I need you silent and still.” –Spirit That quote is included in Women Who Ain’t Afraid to highlight the need to relax, release, and revitalize. While I totally get and…

  • 25 of my favorite Baduizms

    Because I love the woman and quote her often. Because Baduizms are pretty popular right now. Because I quoted her a few times in Women Who Ain’t to Curse When Communicating with God. And I figured we needed a place to inhale some Erykah whenever we felt like it while…

  • Designing The Next Level

    May was a rough month. I felt stuck in many areas of my life. I wasn’t (yet) depressed and I damn sure wasn’t giving up, but I was beyond ready for the next level. There were (and still are) millions of things that I cannot control, but there are a…