Tag: personal essay

  • Being a “good mom” can sometimes look like this…

    Being a writer and a mom of young children is tough, so having another writer-mom to call friend is fundamental. Tasha is mine, and we critique one another’s work and hold each other accountable to our writing goals. As best as we can, that is. Now back in our groove,…

  • Demystifying the personal essay in 6 steps

    I’ve been advocating personal essays and not even thinking that the word “essay” might be turning you off. It might remind you of school, which could either make you roll your eyes or scrunch your eyebrows together. English was my thing in school, but even I hated doing essays–for the…

  • No One Special: A Black Girl’s Experience in a Youth Detention Center

    When I was 13, I was arrested and sentenced to 90 days in a youth detention center (otherwise known as a YDC). When I first arrived “up the road,” I hesitated when my turn came to undress, squat, and cough because I was menstruating and there was a male guard…