Tag: journaling

  • The Season for Honoring Ancestors

    The Season for Honoring Ancestors

    I have a business phone and a personal phone. I had the personal phone the longest. Had the phone number for 14 years (I’ll get another phone so I ain’t tripping on the number), and I had the phone for about 6-7 years. A few days ago, it just stopped…

  • 10 ways to more peacefully work through low-energy cycles

    I’m referring to the times when you aren’t exactly bursting with energy and standing on the mountaintop with plans of taking over the world. You’re moving a bit slower and might feel a bit more fuzzy-minded and less ambitious. Doesn’t mean that stuff doesn’t get done, you’re just craving more…

  • Smudging to clear writer’s block

    WTF is smudging?  It’s another one of those things that we’re just getting hipped to that our ancestors, particularly Native American, have been doing since forever. It’s a bundle of dried herbs that you burn to clear out negative energies, bad vibes, stale air, and other ugh ish. You can use sage,…

  • How to properly summon your writing gauge

    Yesterday, I posted about wanting to finish your book, but not feeling like writing. I explained the concept of the writing gauge and how it works. Since then, I’ve been asked how to know what number you’re at. Great question! If you’ve had a hectic day, don’t go reading your writing…

  • Writing through the retrograde

    If you feel like it, that is. In a super brief summary, a retrograde happens when Mercury catches up with Earth and gives the illusion that it’s spinning backwards. When this happens, coincidentally (or not), we tend to feel thrown off. So much so that even your electronics may be a…