Tag: coaching

  • She was on my mind this morning

    Inhale :: Stretch :: Smile I woke up with someone on my mind this morning, but found it odd because while I know her, I don’t really know her, know her. I was taught to pray for the person whenever that happens. I did, then I took it to paper.…

  • The two types of clients I serve

    One of them is a speaker. Though I serve both men and women, for the sake of simplicity, I’ll use “she” in this article because the bulk of my clients are women. She’s either a motivational speaker, a coach, a teacher, or a leader of some type. She’s a businesswoman.  She…

  • “I’m moving from good to better, so why…”

    When I quit my job last year, I was blessed with a HUGE opportunity to come aboard a publishing company as their editor. The owner of me and that company grew extremely close and that won’t be infringed upon at all. However, it’s just the…empathist in me, I guess. She…

  • A Business and a Life – You Can Have Both

    At Kim Williams and Associates, our process is all about helping people find their WHY, which, for me, is a mission that’s close to my heart. I’m Judi Cogen and before I started with The Growth Coach’s corporate team, I lived the struggles that many of you face every day.…

  • Don’t GAMBLE with Your Business

    Starting a new year is always about new beginnings and starting fresh, but it’s been a few weeks now, so are you sticking to those resolutions? Because if you’re not planning ahead, building a business on strategy and just reacting to the changes your business faces, then you are gambling…