Writing a Book: How to Start

This is the most common question that I’m asked regarding writing. Whether I’m speaking, selling books, or just mention that I’m an author, without fail, I hear:

“I’ve been writing since I can remember, and just wanted to see if you had any pointers to how I could get started…”

“How do you organize your thoughts to even begin writing a book?”

“I’ve been wanting to write a book since forever, but I just don’t know how to…start.”

You wanted my answer, now here it is:

You start writing.

woman writing

As Nike says best, you “just do it.” As Ernest Hemingway claims, you sit at the typewriter and start bleeding. Stephen King swears by his “one word at a time” method. And me? I concur.

The reason that it’s just that simple is because it is. The books that you see on bookshelves are not their first drafts. They’ve gone through multiple edits. So, when approaching your pen (or laptop), don’t strive for writing perfection.

Strive for writing words.

One word turns into a few which turns into a sentence. A few sentences becomes a paragraph. A few paragraphs becomes a chapter. Compiled chapters equal a book.

However, unless you write that first word and that first sentence, then you’ll never have the completed book. Writing a book is a process, and the first page of the first draft is a mere 10% (if that) of the process.

What also helps is freewriting. This practice helps to clear your mind. You could very well be struggling to start because there’s too much other stuff on your mind. Ridding all ‘dat will free your mind to better flow.

The point is to start writing.

Whatever comes to mind is what it is. As soon as you start writing, the wheels begin rolling, and the more they roll, the smoother the ride eventually becomes.

If you don’t believe me, then peek in on what some of my favorite authors had to say during a brief interview on this topic:

adrienne's advice on writing

a'ndrea's advice on writing

Anondra's advice on writing

Christiana's advice

michelle's advice on writingNakia's advice on writing

sheree's advice on writing

Victoria's advice


If this helped, then I would love you there and back if you noted just that. If you’re writer, feel free to share what bumps you into that orange, creative, productive aura. And for more writing resources and tips, subscribe to my weekly newsletter for writers








5 responses to “Writing a Book: How to Start”

  1. Janice Ross Avatar

    Encouraging article for new writers, as well as those that need a pick-me-up! 🙂

    1. Trelani Avatar

      That’s precisely what it was designed to do. And you’re right. It’s also a great pick-me-up. I often have to take my own advice and “just write.” Writing my third book can sometimes be even more daunting as I’m striving to be better than the last time. I’m glad that you enjoyed 🙂

  2. Tina Avatar

    I think I’ve read this every day, twice a day, since it’s been posted. Thanks so much! I makes me want to write. It’s like my morning coffee.

    1. Trelani Avatar

      I’m with you. I have to reread it pretty frequently myself, especially today…feeling sluggish.

  3. […] in December, I wrote a post answering the top writing related question: How do I start? In it, I invited eight of my favorite […]