She was on my mind this morning

Inhale :: Stretch :: Smile

I woke up with someone on my mind this morning, but found it odd because while I know her, I don’t really know her, know her. I was taught to pray for the person whenever that happens. I did, then I took it to paper.

I really wanted to know why she was on my mind, but nothing was coming to mind. So I shifted gears and wrote about what I know about her instead.
She’s successful in that she’s operating in her purpose. She makes a living from serving others. She loves life, has many talents/hobbies, healthy habits, and enjoys/values her time with family. Has beaucoup sista-friends who she prioritizes spending time with and fully supports. Doesn’t mind expressing her viewpoints and is pretty damn good at finding the beauty in things. She looks you in the eyes while talking to you; she’s soft but direct.


My goal is to teach more life-loving, purposeful souls how to express themselves through book writing, and she’s the epitome of that. We’re unique in our own way, but have a lot in common with one another. We could spend a few days in a beach house together and leave loving each other more.

And lemme tell you how Universe works…

Last month, Akilah asked how I’d feel about me, her, and another sista-friend of ours, Sharisa coming together for a book coaching collaboration. After I finished journaling this morning, I planned to ask her if we had a sign up list or webpage. On cue, her newsletter dropped (that happens to me ALL the time, but never gets old). She shared the link and details of our calling to “help five women write the shit out of their best books by summer of 2016.”

It’s a deep-dive opportunity to use strategy & soulwork in storytelling.

Click here to sign up and learn more.