5 spiritually yummy lessons Reiki taught (and retaught me)

I got my first reiki reading at the Shades Retreat a few years ago. I explain what reiki is further down, if you aren’t super familiar. The practitioner at this retreat, Nichole’s style was so bomb. She integrated Orisha readings, and it blew my mind. She told me that Oya guards and guides me. I’ve since begun believing that our guiding Orisha changes, as does our mood, intention, and aura. Either way, that knowledge benefited me beaucoup. Then a few months ago, I grew interested in learning reiki myself.

One night, I stayed up really late researching teachers near me. While I didn’t feel like they’d misguide me, I didn’t exactly feel that instant connection to them either. That’s important to me. The next morning, Margaret reached out to me on Facebook to let me know she’d soon be visiting Savannah. While catching up and making plans, she said that she’d be willing to train me in reiki, if I was interested. You might call this a coincidence, but I call it synchronicity (a meaningful coincidence).

Fast forward to last Sunday: We did it! I only went up to the first level for now because I’m only interested in reiki’ing myself and those really, really close to me. I gotta few revelations during the training and especially afterwards. Like how:

Energy speaks like a mutha

Reiki is both a meditation and a healing technique where you channel the energy of spirit (or God, Source, or the universe, whatever you wanna call it) and apply it to another being as a means of healing and centering by laying your hands on them (or over them). It’s super relaxing and…insightful. For example, I felt called to reiki my partner a couple days ago. In doing so, I felt a particularly strong pull around his heart and sacral and root chakras. It was his voice, but calmer, and it continuously said throughout the session that he wanted and needed more attention and affection. After that experience, I feel hyper aware of what other people’s energy have to say. I already was sensitive/open to this information, but even more now.

Reiki makes you listen

Before you get started, you have to center yourself and get “better in tune with the infinite” (my favorite song by Jay Electronica). It’s a meditation in that you’re focusing on this one experience. Just like when you’re sitting criss-cross applesauce (as my babies say) and connecting to Spirit, your mind eventually quiets. You’re gently listening to whatever presents itself. Sometimes you get a message, but not always. And that ain’t the point of it either. Reiki is the same way. It also positions you to better listen to yourself. Nichole blended orisha readings with her practice. Margaret shared that one of her friends focuses on your inner child during her practice. As with writing, fashion and everything else, you don’t look for your style. You just honor your curiosities (by listening to ’em and following through) and it happens. The more you do it, the more crisp/evident/unique your style will be.

We’ve been reiki’ing forever

Especially in the black church. Remember when Sister So and So got sick and needed healing? How everybody gathered around her, laid hands, and bowed their heads as the reverend prayed? And remember that time you walked to the alter to get saved and they laid hands on you? Yeah, that was reiki. Even when the kids fall off their bike and you kiss their boo-boo; that’s reiki. Hugging a friend who’s going through some thangs? Reiki. An even more simple definition is touching someone with your good intentions.

Magician, shaman, kahuna, weird, woo-woo woman…I’m all ‘dat

We did the training over Margaret’s friend’s Kristen’s house. Kristen’s roommate walked in the living room at one point, where we were, and asked me what we were doing. “Reiki training,” I told her. “What’s that?” she asked. I explained, and you could see on her face that all she heard was “woo-woo spiritual shit.” She nodded slowly and walked back to her room. I found it kind of funny, me. When I told my mom, she had a similar response. Hey, what can I say? This is me. This is the type of shit I’m into.

You really do already have everything you need

An unrelated example: I came home from vacation to a broken A/C. A technician wasn’t in the budget. Bought a huge fan, but knew that wouldn’t cut it. For a second, I was for real bugging out. Made myself breathe and think. I’m a firm believer that we have everything we need, so I should be able to make this work. If you can’t afford to have it done and you don’t know anyone who can do it, then do it yourself. But I can’t. YouTube, child, YouTube. You live in the times of information and resources. Oh, yeah. I fixed that shit too. Boo-yah!

Related example: I shared in my last post about how sometimes you know what you need to do to feel better, but you just don’t feel like that shit. Well, that was me for the last few days. Today is the first day of my period, and I’ve been PMS’ing like a mutha. On top of that, other than walking the dog, I haven’t been working out or doing much writing. Back pain, headaches, cramps, tense shoulders, tight hips…yep. Free self-care has been beckoning me lately (because of either tight time and/or money), and reiki is a beautiful supplement to these practices.

Here’s a bonus one:

Be especially conscious and intentional about where and why you’re earning a degree/certificate. Tuition is a hustle too. I shared that on Instagram a while back, and I’ve since graduated with my Masters degree and earned this Reiki certificate. I didn’t mean don’t pursue “formal” educational programs, but to be mindful about the where and why. My goal ain’t to teach reiki or add it to my services, so I didn’t need to advance to the master levels. I was just following a curiosity and I got what I needed, and I got it from someone whose spirit warms mine. Consider that when you’re thinking about signing up for something.


2 responses to “5 spiritually yummy lessons Reiki taught (and retaught me)”

  1. Sharisa Robertson Avatar
    Sharisa Robertson

    So fav parts:

    1. but I call it synchronicity (a meaningful coincidence).
    2. As with writing, fashion and everything else, you don’t look for your style. You just honor your curiosities (by listening to ’em and following through) and it happens. The more you do it, the more crisp/evident/unique your style will be.
    3. An even more simple definition is touching someone with your good intentions.
    4. YouTube, child, YouTube

    You opened my eyes to Reiki and how we all do it. When I hear about it, I have that look like this is some woo-woo crap too. I think the few times I heard it and who I heard it from just didn’t resonate with me. But the way you explained even down to church, with your mate, and even with a child it clicked, like ooohhhh. I realized that when my S.O and my son both kiss me on my forehead, both cheeks, chin, then on the lips is just that, or when me (someone who is not touchy feely) go to my significant other and put my hand on my heart, internally speak over him, then kiss his heart and walk away and go wash dishes or something or continue watching TV, that is Reiki, or being at the alter back in the day because I felt like I needed prayer and some hands laid on me, or when either of my girls give me a hug out of nowhere but right on time and go back to watching TV. Makes sense.

    So thank you for the insight and deeper connection to my family, myself, and even to the rituals and practices within our community. My perspective has just broaden a lot in away that makes sense to me naturally.

    And I agree with the education part, thought about going back to school but trying to feel it out more.

    So glad and happy how things are coming together for you in just the way you need them to personally and professionally. That is the epitome of That’s whatsup!!!!!!! 🙂

  2. Crystal Mayes Avatar

    I LOVE Reiki!! After taking reiki classes, I thought a similar thought….. “I’ve been practicing Reiki without calling it Reiki for years.” …… Great article!