New moon: What that means

Finally took the time to learn what a new moon is and how it can benefit me. I read enough books and articles and blogs based on both science and spirituality to be able to regurgitate in a way that you can chew it.

There’s a new moon today, by the way.

Scientifically speaking, a new moon occurs when the Earth, the Sun, and the moon are all lined up. The moon is sitting between the sun and the earth, but because the sun is shining on the moon’s backside, either one of three things can happen:

1. The moon vanishes.

2. It plays a little peek-a-book game, allowing us to only see a piece of it which gives us that thin crescent view.

3. The moon will sit so perfectly between the Sun and Earth that we get a solar eclipse. When this happens, the moon hides the Sun either partially or entirely.

Spiritually speaking, the new moon is about starting over. It’s a new chance. Farmers would plan their harvest times around the moon cycles, and new moons were found to be the best time to plant seeds. Similarly, it’s also the best time to set your goals and intentions. Pull out your list of ideas that you’ve been scribbling down and determine which ones you plan to manifest.

We’re going to believe and know and trust that whichever intentions that we plan on putting into action will happen. Therefore, choose the one(s) that are like the kid on the front row in class–damn near jumping out its seat with its hand raised to get your attention. You know, deep down, that right now is the time to make that particular shit happen. Yeah, pick that one.

The next new moon is September 23rd, so don’t make this more difficult than it has to be. And if you aren’t ready, then sit this one out. Take the time to do some research and prepare for the next, but if you are ready, then let’s conjure up some magic…

  • Enter your sacred space. Make sure ain’t nobody else in your space. If you need to, wait until the kids go to bed tonight.
  • Clean the energy. Just as its a new moon, we want to create our own vibe within this space instead of working with what’s already there. Begin by opening with prayer and burning sage (incense works just as well).
  • Make it special. For me, that’s burning a candle and decorating my space with my crystals, the coral that I brought back from my spiritual business retreat in Jamaica last year, and that rock that Kobe gave me a while back so that I could “mela-tate with it.” I’ll also bring along a picture of my grinning, four-year-old self as a reminder to dream with no boundaries.
  • Center yourselfTake some deep, cleansing breaths to calm your mind and body and turn on some meditation music.
  • Grab your notebook. Begin inking your desires–physical, emotional, material, spiritual, etc. Want to better credit score? Write it. Want to find love? Write it. Want to write a book? Write it. Don’t cheat yourself and be sure to leave a line or two between each desire. 
  • Write how it’ll make you feel. Do in that extra space that you left. In your head, you’re no longer wanting it because you already have it. For instance, one of my desires is to pay my car off this year. I don’t know how the hell that’s going to happen, but it will. Beneath this desire, I would write that I feel more financially liberated and accomplished. I feel richer having an extra $400 in my pocket every month.

If necessary, take a moment to feel those feelings. Close your eyes and picture it. Most importantly, remember that this is yours. That was one of the best takeaways from my first Kundalini yoga experience. The instructor continuously reminded us that it was our yoga; he was only the guide.

Likewise, this experience is yours. Be creative and be you. I may close my new moon session tonight by creating a vision board. We’ll see…

Are you taking advantage of today’s new moon? If so, will this be your first time? 





2 responses to “New moon: What that means”

  1. Tye Whitely Avatar
    Tye Whitely

    Wonderful and very insightful post! I’m so proud of you and yes I’m claiming this new moon magic and every tonight! Much love!

  2. Trelani Avatar

    Yes! This is my first time, so I’m looking forward to seeing what becomes of it 🙂