Happy National Thyroid Awareness Month

Prior to being diagnosed, I had zero clue what a thyroid was. All I knew was that women often blamed their weight gain on their thyroid acting up. I’d gone to the doctor, seriously thinking that I was losing my mind. I only wanted confirmation for a referral for insurance purposes. He asked about other symptoms, did some blood work, and then called me a few days later telling me that I had hyperthyroidism.


That was my literal response. I probably said it over the phone to the nurse, I’m really not sure. Hung up and did some good ole’ research. I learned that a thyroid is a gland in your neck that regulates your metabolism, menstrual cycle, energy level, blood sugar, etc. Because mine is hyper, my metabolism rate is rather fast. It also links to issues such as anxiety, tremors, night sweats, and fatigue. There are others, but these were my symptoms.

Then because I’ve been on my mind-body-spirit focus, I wanted to see the spiritual connection of thyroid issues. I Googled: chakra thyroid. Just like that. And according to the many and plenty sources that I read, I learned that the thyroid was connected to the throat chakra. And for those who aren’t familiar, chakras are spiritual energy channels. We have beaucoup chakras, but seven main ones–crown of your head, between the brows, throat, heart, just above the naval, womb, and base of spine. Each serves a unique purpose.

The throat chakra has everything to do with communication and creativity. It’s your ability to speak up and tell your truth. To fully express yourself in conversations and in art. At the time, I was lacking in both. I was neither speaking nor writing. My business was financially struggling, I was only five months into full-time entrepreneurship, and didn’t want anyone telling me to go back to work. Therefore, I shut down and…shut up.

Lesson learned: That’s not healthy.

Because my business was struggling, I invested all of my time in promoting and seeking new opportunities. I accepted work in exchange for little to nothing. Long story short, I left myself zero time to live, to breathe, to relax, and enjoy. I continuously subjected myself to stress. I was hardly even journaling.

Lesson learned: That’s not healthy.

I recently posted a quote of  British writer, Philip Pullman, on my Facebook page that states, “After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” Of these four things, I was neglecting companionship and stories.

By neglecting to share my truth and what I was thinking and feeling with those closest to me, especially my life partner, then I was sacrificing companionship. And by choosing not to write, and hardly reading, I was forgoing stories. All art is a form of storytelling. It’s your magic. And when we’re not practicing, we’re emotionally off-kilter.  And if I really lay it all out, then add nourishment in there too because when I’m stressed, I tend not to eat much, and when I do, it’s junk.

Long story short: I was an emotional mess. 

Whatever ails the body begins in the mind. So hyperthyroidism was my body’s way of alerting me to pay more attention to my modes of communication and creativity. Once aware, I was able to correct the issue. I slowed down and researched ways of balancing my throat chakra. I began chanting, praying, doing yoga specifically designed for the throat chakra, verbalizing my mirror work, singing even though I suck, exploring my fluorite yoni eggwriting, and opening up to the love of my life about my inner happenings.

And when it came time to return for a follow up and a second blood draw, all was well. And I knew that going in because, like I said, it all starts with our mind. I felt good. And my results confirmed just that: I was good. My thyroid was no longer an issue for me.

P.S.: I keep this experience in mind knowing that it’s capable of resurfacing. 

P.S.S.: It’s a keepsake not to limit me but to remind me to prioritize nourishment, companionship, and art. 


Happy National Thyroid Awareness Month. Now that you know better, you can do better 🙂 And if doing better consists of writing a book, then mosey over to my book coaching service to see how, for as low as $118, I may be able to help.