My Mindful Eating Journey: Top Five Foods

A few months ago, my body got a little crazy on me. I knew that it was trying to say something to me. It wasn’t being treated correctly. I was running almost everyday, doing yoga a few times a week, meditating, and a few other sound-good elements. What I was doing was eating well. I wasn’t drinking enough water. And I was satisfying a number of emotional cravings with substances that my body was rejecting.

Then it basically said “eff it.” I don’t want anything. If you’re not going to give what I need to continue carrying you, then don’t give me anything at all. My appetite damn near disappeared. So I took action with the help of a friend who’s been there/done that. My journey is called:

Mindful Eating and Movement (ME&M)

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In addition to mindful movement, ME&M consists of eating breakfast everyday. No high fructose corn syrup. No soda. No fried anything. Sounded relatively easy until I realized that even ketchup had high fructose corn syrup in it. Damn. Then my fam had the nerve to make deep fried crab balls on day number one of my journey. Damn.

Oh well. Most good-for-you eats don’t require ketchup anyway. And I solved the crab ball issue by pouring a little coconut oil in the pan and searing mine on both sides minus the flour component. Bam. Two days ago, my blender broke. Instead of throwing it against the wall, I ate the ingredients in their whole form.

Taking the primary ingredients in her life, and deciding how they need to show up to order to best feed her. Whether that be through juicing the journey or recognizing that the blender itself was never as important as having the ingredients, and putting them into your body/life however they show up that day. 

Today’s prompt for the #BlogSmallBiz challenge is to list the five foods that I would bring with me if I were to be exiled to a private island. Given my ME&M and all the goodness that it’s bringing to my body, I would totally go for:

  • Bananas
  • Spinach
  • Almonds
  • Salmon
  • Strawberries

What’s your five? Join my Mindful Eating & Movement journey at my Tumblr address.