I finally met her.
My soulmate. She carries me daily. She keeps me grounded. She reminds me to:
On simplicity.
Knowing that all is well…
Through prayer and meditation.
She is my mantra!
It’s been a long time coming, but I didn’t force it. I wanted a beautiful, organic connection. And, that’s exactly what it is.
She reminds me to meditate. Practice taught that I don’t have to sit down to “be still.” I can walk while meditating.

She also reminds me to know. This knowing changes as time progresses. For instance, earlier I worried that I wouldn’t get around to a book release party. I recited my mantra, emphasizing that, “I know my book will be successful, regardless.” Sometimes it can be as trivial as knowing that the world won’t end if I don’t wash the dishes before bed.
“Breathe,” she whispers.
I do, slowly. I inhale until my lungs reach their full capacity, and then release the air just as slow.
It works!
Try it. According to the WebMD:
Deep breathing
is one of the best ways to lower stress in the body. This is because when you breathe deeply it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body. Those things that happen when you are stressed, such as increased heart rate, fast breathing, and high blood pressure, all decrease as you breathe deeply to relax.
I’m infamous for making shit more complicated than it gotta be. The mister will gladly vouch for that. Therefore, I more than appreciate when she reminds me to focus on simplicity. It’s essential. And as simple as it sounds, it works!
Lastly, it’s critical for us all, regardless of:
- How broke you are
- How frustrated and confused you are
- How close to your deadline you are
- How bad you just effed up
- However crazy that life may seem at the moment
to know that all is well. It’s okay. We’re still here. Through prayer (talking) and meditation (listening)…all (everything) is (present-tense) well.
Do you have a mantra? If so, how does your mantra serve you?