• Dancing to beat writer’s block?

    Yes! When I was teenager, I used to turn off the lights, turn up the music, and just dance. Maybe I was practicing for an upcoming dance, or maybe I really enjoyed it. I can’t remember. I do recall, however, sweating profusely and feeling really good afterwards. Last year, I…

  • Five biggest lessons of 2014

    Maybe it’s just the right now talking, but I don’t think I’ll ever forget this year. So many delicious and distasteful experiences. Yet, I feel, along with nearly everyone else I know, that 2015 is going to be major.  One practice I’ve picked up this year is reading my journals.…

  • Revision Strategies: 14 Examples

    “A great cover and a great editor!” Those are the two main things you hear about self-publishing. While both are true, what’s often overlooked is the importance of revision. Unfortunately, many writers finish their first draft and either send it to the editor, or worse, go straight for publication. Prior…

  • Three reasons to revisit how you revise

    If you believe that you’re already revising because you edit, then STOP now and peep my previous post on the difference between revision and editing. This was written specifically for those who already revise and believe that they’re good to go in that department. I thought I was too, but in order to…

  • Difference between revising and editing

    Your first draft isn’t meant to be perfect. Because it’s a brain dump, I encourage writers to write fast and just get it out. Note, however, that the first draft is not the one that you turn in to your editor. Revising and editing are separate steps in the writing…