Your God-say ain’t mine
“Refuse to confuse desire with necessity, especially when it comes to being understood.” That’s another quote from Women Who Ain’t Afraid that has, yet again, shown up for me at the most beloved time. I would love to be understood, but I understand that it won’t always happen. So while…
Doing nothing is actually part of the plan
“Some days ain’t meant to be worked nor planned. Some days I need to take the wheel, and for that, I need you silent and still.” –Spirit That quote is included in Women Who Ain’t Afraid to highlight the need to relax, release, and revitalize. While I totally get and…
5 kinds of journals I keep
I’m notorious for telling somebody to start a journal. After my stepdad died, I suggested my mom start one. When a close girlfriend gave up everything to start over, I said it’d be a good idea to start journaling. Pregnant? Start a journal. Grad school? Journal. We love reflecting. We love…
My latest rejection letter
I applied for a writing fellowship in New York that I was super duper excited about. I prayed about it, journaled about it, envisioned it for myself, made it my screensaver on my laptop, claimed it, had sista-friends pray about it, and this was the response: Many and plenty of…