Taking your book (and your body) off the backburner
Me and some sista-friends were talking last night about the relationship that food has with how we respond to certain environments. I brought up how I’ve recently started running again. I can’t run in the cold; I just can’t. God bless the body who can. So I’ve been indoors, indulging on…
Demystifying the personal essay in 6 steps
I’ve been advocating personal essays and not even thinking that the word “essay” might be turning you off. It might remind you of school, which could either make you roll your eyes or scrunch your eyebrows together. English was my thing in school, but even I hated doing essays–for the…
5 things I realized after going back to work
Once upon a time, long ago (more like eight years ago), I worked front desk at hotel located in the outskirts of Savannah. I worked there when the hotel first opened for almost a year and grew really close to the family who owns it. Fast forward: The owners were leaving the…
New moon ritual: how to release baggage that crept into the new year
Anais Nin once said, “To change skins, evolve into new cycles, I feel one has to learn to discard. If one changes internally, one should not continue to live with the same objects. They reflect one’s mind and the psyche of yesterday. I throw away what has no dynamic, living…
No One Special: A Black Girl’s Experience in a Youth Detention Center
When I was 13, I was arrested and sentenced to 90 days in a youth detention center (otherwise known as a YDC). When I first arrived “up the road,” I hesitated when my turn came to undress, squat, and cough because I was menstruating and there was a male guard…