State of Female Entrepreneurs During the Government Shutdown

My first “real job” was a government job. It wasn’t federal; it was city (local). It was believed that government jobs were some of the best, mainly because they were secure. Though raises were far in between, we had great benefits and didn’t have to worry about being laid off. The goal of many was to make that vertical move up onto the state and federal levels. These jobs afforded more pay and even better benefits.

Now, with the government shutdown, I don’t know if that ideal holds so true anymore. Even more scary, it doesn’t affect government employees solely. For example, companies that contract with the government are affected. Sans sufficient warning, you can be sent home minus pay. Regardless if you have a family, a mortgage, a car note, and a shitload of other bills, you can be “shutout.”

Not long ago, the country sunk down into the trough of a recession. Remember that? People were losing their jobs left and right. The number of people on food stamps shot through the roof. Politicians argued over who could do a better job at fixing the problem, as houses foreclosed, cars were repossessed, and small businesses shut down. For single parents, this was even more disastrous.

But you survived.

As for the woman who is #SoFundamental, I’m not surprised. It’s what we do. I’m a firm believer that survival is for the fittest, and we continuously pass the test.

We’re flexible, adaptable, and inventive. As my grandmother used to say, we’re known for “making a way out of no way.”

hope during the government shutdown

So, don’t let the government shutdown keep you down. I recently heard a great quote on one of those meme things on Facebook: “Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but doesn’t get you anywhere.”

Whether you are currently furloughed, fired, laid off, divorced, disabled, or otherwise traumatized, you will pull through. And, according to statistics, not only will you survive, but you’ll pave the way for others.