Custom rituals for common creativity killers

Though we have similar experiences, we handle them differently. Once aware of these common creativity killers, join me in releasing them through custom rituals.

1. Constipation

The most obvious reason is that you’re uncomfortable, and it’s important to be comfortable and relaxed when you’re writing. The less obvious reason is that when you’re constipated, your intestines are pressing down on your uterus, which is also known as your womb, which is the spiritual home of your creativity and intuition. If you’re backed up, you’re not performing at your best. 

Once upon a time, irregularity was my norm. It’d been that way since I was about 11 or 12, so I figured I was just set up like that. My doc recommended more water and fiber, so I added chia seeds and fiber-ful fruits and veggies to my daily diet, and because I eat out a lot, I started ordering lemon water with meals. Easy. Too, researching the signs of dehydration helped me be more mindful of that. 

2. Clutter

You gotta get rid of it. Point. Blank. Exclamation mark! As Jeff Goins, one of my favorite writers on writing, pointed out in his article, Clutter is Killing Your Creativity, “Bringing your message to the world does not begin on the main stage. It starts at home…The relationship between clutter and creativity is inverse. The more you have of the former, the less you have of the latter. Mess creates stress. Which is far from an ideal environment for being brilliant.”

Rid it physically and digitally. 

3. Emotional weight

Emotional weight is a type of constipation because you’re backed up;  you can’t fully express juicy modes such as joy, forgiveness, balance and creativity when you’re still holding on to past hurts. You have to release it, and that can be extremely difficult for a number of reasons. One, we suppress bad experiences–totally and partially. Two, bringing it back up means feeling it all over again. Three, you don’t know how to release it. Four, ain’t nobody got time for that.

Before that experience, you felt something stirring inside of you that was going to change lives. You were going to love, travel, create, and live fully and passionately. You were going to be phenomenally awesome, and maybe you already are because you’ve done this and you’ve done that, but how do you really feel? Is there more inside of you waiting to come out? What’s hiding behind that fear of letting go? 

How do you feel about releasing it together? 

I’ll be spending March 1st through the 20th realigning with my higher self by releasing all creativity killers that not only blocks me as a writer, but as a woman–as a mom, wife, coach, etc. I’ll do this by creating my own spiritual practices via self-care, self-exploration, and self-expression.

For me, that looks like beaucoup journaling, dancing, praying, mirror chanting, candles, essentials oils, poetry writing, meal planning, yoga, letter writing, long walks, coloring with my kids, and deep chats with my beloveds. I’ll document my 20-day journey through pics on Instagram, individual struggles and successes on Twitter, and intimate journaling on Tumblr

Hopefully you’ll decide to join us…