Free yourself and change your mind

I put my two weeks notice in on the 28th of February, then agreed to work until the 31st of March to assist them in transition. However, I wasn’t feeling valued. In fact, I was feeling everything but. I was anxious and more disgusted as the remaining work days came and went. I bit my tongue so much that I’d paralyzed my taste. Therefore, I quit…sooner.

I skipped my lunch, left an hour earlier, and treated myself to a delicious meal chased by intoxicating ice. And then I was happy again. And that time, I decided to stay there–even if that meant going against my word.

change your mind

“Word is bond.”

Bond means binding, restraining, fettering, confining, and shackling. All of these words remind me of slavery, of oppression, of everything that is opposite of what I stand for. So, no, my word is not bond.

“Word is free.”

It’s fundamental, uninhibited, liberating, full of color, radically self-expressive, and loud–but only when it wants to be. Otherwise, it’s quiet, reserved, and what society dubs “lady-like.”

So, in breaking my agreement and quitting early, I simultaneously post-reserved the right to choose me all the time and at any given time. And I strongly encourage you to do the same. Whether it was a whispered promise, pinky-sworn deal, or signature on the dotted line, you have the right to change your mind.

It’s called making a mistake and whether you went against your better judgment to make the mistake or really didn’t know better, it doesn’t matter.

Do what need be done so that you can free yourself to get back to living.