I write better when I’m centered

Otherwise, it feels stressful. It feels like  job. I’m more easily distracted and tire out more quickly. But when I’m centered, I’m full of life. God is pouring creativity into me and it radiates outwardly. I feel lighter and so fucking beautiful, even if my fro is smushed and my teeth haven’t been brushed yet.

When I’m centered, I’m in tune with my awesomeness.

That’s how it happened this morning. I woke up, kissed everybody before they left, turned my wifi off, and picked up one of the books I’m reading. A particular passage prompted me to write, so I decided to go with the flow. My writing guided me to the mirror…naked. I verbally loved myself, then I pointed out all the parts that I love and have to come to love and am learning to love. It felt amazing. Afterwards, I meditated and here I am…

Once I’m finished with this post, I’ll fix myself a smoothie. Then I’ll get back to working on my novel. Originally, I’d planned to do some editing for the bulk of the day, but Self knows better and she’s demanding that I write for me today. I’m honoring her requests and by paper, I’ll still have the other work done on time.

That’s one of the beautiful things about being centered. I’m taking time to make myself feel good, being recharged to fulfill the day’s obligations, and it truly feels as though God is giving me some of my time back. A typical un-centered day feels like this: “Damn, it’s 11:00 already? 2:00 already? 5:00 already?”

I do more rushing, wishing and complaining, but when I’m in harmony, those problems don’t belong to me. 

It’s like time is on my side. If the black woman don’t need another damn thing, the girl needs time. Time allows me to treat myself well, support my family with more patience, serve my clients better, get and keep my shit in order, and all other beautiful things. Simply put, I’m better off emotionally, physically, mentally, sexually, and creatively when I’m in tune with Trelani.

What it means to get centered depends on what’s going on. If I’m out and about, then I might mean sitting in my car in the parking lot for a few moments. I might mean dining out alone, ordering cheap, and reading a book while awaiting my meal. It could also mean running around outdoors barefoot with my kids catching love bugs. Essentially, it means to go with my own flow…

What does “getting centered” look like for you?