Category: Self-Care

  • 5 things I realized after going back to work

    Once upon a time, long ago (more like eight years ago), I worked front desk at hotel located in the outskirts of Savannah. I worked there when the hotel first opened for almost a year and grew really close to the family who owns it. Fast forward: The owners were leaving the…

  • New moon ritual: how to release baggage that crept into the new year

    Anais Nin once said, “To change skins, evolve into new cycles, I feel one has to learn to discard. If one changes internally, one should not continue to live with the same objects. They reflect one’s mind and the psyche of yesterday. I throw away what has no dynamic, living…

  • What my dad said about my books

    Whenever a new book drops, my dad buys about a dozen of them to either resell or give away. And you’ll find them all over his house–original covers, new covers, etc. He got ’em.  The support is there. Thank you, Daddy. But he said something a couple of times that…

  • Treating yourself or lacking discipline?

    I shared with a group of sista-friends how I’ve been lusting for fudge brownies, goldfish crackers, and hard cider (all at the same time). I’m PMS’ing, and you know how that goes. Some said go for it, and I understood where they were coming from. They were suggesting treating myself,…

  • The thing about sowing and reaping

    “…For whatever one sows, that he will also reap.” Simplified: You reap what you sow. Further simplified: You get out what you put in. That’s always been one of my favorite scriptures and sayings. I saw it as God having my back–whoever does me wrong will have to pay for…