Category: Self-Care
I Turned the Money Down–All $10K of It
…and don’t regret it. Not even a little bit. I was offered a job making $40,000 per year. Compared to what I currently bring in, that would’ve added another $10K to my account. Problem is, the job had absolutely nothing to do with my passion. I made a promise to…
Roles and Expectations: Danger Zones
As many do, I thought that I knew what the definition of mother, father, husband, friend, sister, brother, aunt, and uncle was. So, when they didn’t check the boxes that fell under the category of these roles, then I resented them–and did so for a very long time. It wasn’t until…
Radical Self-Expression: A Fully-Embodied Priority
At some point in all women’s lives (literally–every single one), we arrive at this place of confusion. We’re put-putting along, when all of a sudden we crash but can’t put our finger on the why. For me, it happened around age 18. I got out of the car to see…
Meet My Soulmate, My Mantra
I finally met her. My soulmate. She carries me daily. She keeps me grounded. She reminds me to: Meditate. Know. Breathe. Focus… On simplicity. Knowing that all is well… Through prayer and meditation. She is my mantra! It’s been a long time coming, but I didn’t force it. I wanted…
Redefining ‘Mama’ For Emotional Wellness
As mothers, it is our nature to nurture. From birth and beyond, we make it our duty to ensure that our children’s needs are met. There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s a beautiful thing. It’s a divine privilege. (Even though it can be stressful at times) What is a problem…