Category: Self-Care

  • Transparency: Telling the WHOLE story

    A vital part of writing is telling the whole story. What makes legendary writers so awesome is that they give us the whole cup of tea. They tell the parts that let us know that we’re not the only ones who did that, went through that, or struggled with that.…

  • Fear can be distinguished from good sense

    She sounds just like me. Uses the same phrases and terms that I do. Extremely suggestive. Bold, LOUD, and repetitive. She has a way of attracting ideas and opinions that are conducive to her own. She can be easily mistaken for my intuition, but she’s not. She’s my fear. Fear…

  • The need to upgrade my WHOLE self

    Last month I discussed my arrival to the next level. In doing so, I began designing the next level. It’s a delicious never-ending process. I realized that in addition to upgrading my business and my body, I had to bring the rest of my Self along too. I said this…

  • Essence Fest’s nudge to write your story

    Let me begin by emphasizing how amazing Essence Fest 2014 was. It was my first time attending but definitely will not be the last. For those who’ve never been, it’s not just concerts but FREE empowerment sessions as well. I’ll do my best to give you a fun-sized recap. I’ll…

  • Intentions Are Giving Me Results–Not Goals

    The word “intentions” has been following me. When that happens, I take note of it. I journal more and practice more awareness. And while I was applying intentions here and there, particularly to my goals, I didn’t have my ah ha! moment until last night. In the Desire Map, Danielle…