Category: Self-Care

  • Running, writing and yoga

    While running this morning, I realized that it’s a lot like writing. There are certain guidelines that you should follow. Other than, you just find your flow and go with it, and as long as you’re consistent, then you’ll improve. Your movements will be cleaner and your stamina will build.…

  • I write better when I’m centered

    Otherwise, it feels stressful. It feels like  job. I’m more easily distracted and tire out more quickly. But when I’m centered, I’m full of life. God is pouring creativity into me and it radiates outwardly. I feel lighter and so fucking beautiful, even if my fro is smushed and my…

  • New moon: What that means

    Finally took the time to learn what a new moon is and how it can benefit me. I read enough books and articles and blogs based on both science and spirituality to be able to regurgitate in a way that you can chew it..  There’s a new moon today, by…

  • Liberated from my funk via acceptance of my shit

    I didn’t feel like getting out of bed this morning, not even to eat. No TV or radio. Kids off to school and husband off to work. Just me and the sound of the A/C blowing and the occasional ruffling of the covers. When feeling this way, my only desire…

  • Tenacity is something that we all have to work on

    I want a Veggie Lover’s. I don’t eat red onions like that, but I wouldn’t even take them off. I’d eat them right along with the crunchy bell peppers, meaty mushrooms, tomato and greasy crust. I never think this deeply into what I’m about to eat. I just get it…