Category: Self-Care

  • Custom rituals for common creativity killers

    Though we have similar experiences, we handle them differently. Once aware of these common creativity killers, join me in releasing them through custom rituals. 1. Constipation The most obvious reason is that you’re uncomfortable, and it’s important to be comfortable and relaxed when you’re writing. The less obvious reason is…

  • Switched up the format

    I’ve already found the morning routine that works best for me. After waking, I handle all the hygiene stuff, get to my body movement (this morning that meant yoga), fix some caffeinated tea, and then begin making my to-do list for the day. As stated a million times before, I’ve…

  • Tonight’s Full Moon Rituals

    I’ll review my goals/intentions New Moons are excellent times to plant new intentions. Full Moons, on the other hand, are great opportunities to review them. How is your progress? How does it feel? If you’re on track, then celebrate! Get even deeper in love with it. Close your eyes and…

  • Writing through the retrograde

    If you feel like it, that is. In a super brief summary, a retrograde happens when Mercury catches up with Earth and gives the illusion that it’s spinning backwards. When this happens, coincidentally (or not), we tend to feel thrown off. So much so that even your electronics may be a…

  • Three easy lists that spared me much anxiety

    I plopped down on the bed. Face in pillow. This can’t be life. I’d sworn that 2015 was going to my year, yet I wasn’t exactly progressing. I was doing much, if not more, of the same stuff from 2014 like ending my day exhausted but not really being able…