Category: The Blog
25 Ways to Love Yourself for Free
We usually have enough sense to set aside a day or two for ourselves, but how often do we know what to do during those moments? How many times have you found yourself feeling unproductive? Or, what about waking up the next morning regretting all the money you spent? Me-time…
New freelance writer? Here are two tips not to forget
A couple of weeks ago, I social media sister-friend of mine wrote an article, suggesting tips on how to best launch your freelance writing career. I read it, agreed with everything she had to say, and went on to repost it. Beneath the post, she asked, “As a writing coach…
I-Am List: A Tool of Self-Empowerment
A few months and a couple of conferences ago, I attended a workshop where the facilitator had us freewrite a list of things describing who we were. The entire list had to begin with “I am…” If I’m not mistaken, we had about five minutes–which can seem like forever at…
International Women’s Day 2014
International Women’s Day means so much to me this year for a number of reasons: 1. It’s snuggled in the month of March. That’s my birthday month: March 13th. This year I’ll be celebrating it on my first cruise, sailing to the Bahamas, alongside my mother whom I not long ago emotionally…
My Upside Down Day Taught Me Right-Side Up Lessons
Georgia weather has been more than kind to us this weekend. So, I decided to reserve it for the kids. Our agenda included all kinds of fun kiddy stuff. Well, today we got dressed to head out for smoothies and some Downtown Savannah fun. Climbed in the car and made…