Category: The Blog

  • I quit my job yesterday

    And I’m feeling so good. So free. So yes. I have this ritual involving a shoebox, a folder, a notepad, and a pen. I write a Dear God prayer on a sheet of the notepad. When I’m finished, I put it behind the other papers in the folder and read…

  • Let Go or Be Dragged

    Original 8/30/18, Today 5/11/21 I try my best not to let what I don’t have or what I fear I won’t have dictate my decisions. It’s easy to lose sight of that though. New moons are a good time and a good reminder to pay attention to what I’ve been…

  • just show up. the resources will align.

    I’ve been getting nudges about needing to visit Oakland for years. I was born in Monroe, Louisiana. Many Monroe natives migrated to Oakland during the Great Migration. The first I knew of was Huey P. Newton, co-founder of the Black Panther Party, who moved to Oakland from Monroe at three…

  • Squinting at my higher self

    I don’t think I want to use that term anymore. And I used to love it. Used it in books, blog posts, conversations, and everything. Today I got to thinking… The concept of the higher self is like this better version of myself. It’s the me without the influences of…

  • the space between your dreams and reality

    “Don’t be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality.” – Belva Davis Belva is from Monroe, Louisiana–the same place I was born. I knew that she was the one of the first black women in radio/news, but that’s it. Her memoir sat on my bookshelf for about three…