Category: The Blog

  • How to properly summon your writing gauge

    Yesterday, I posted about wanting to finish your book, but not feeling like writing. I explained the concept of the writing gauge and how it works. Since then, I’ve been asked how to know what number you’re at. Great question! If you’ve had a hectic day, don’t go reading your writing…

  • Don’t feel like writing, but wanna finish

    First consider why you don’t feel like writing. Are you tired? Sick? Overwhelmed? Confused?  When visiting the ER, triage asks you to rate the pain on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the most painful. Use a similar gauge when determining just how bad you don’t feel like writing, then…

  • In spite of everything else…

    Choose you. Prioritize your happiness and your peace. This past Saturday, I celebrated my entrepreneurial anniversary. It’s been one whole year since I’ve been in this thang full-time. I like to sum up my cycles with a word or phrase. An imprint, if you will. This year, “in spite of”…

  • Custom rituals for common creativity killers

    Though we have similar experiences, we handle them differently. Once aware of these common creativity killers, join me in releasing them through custom rituals. 1. Constipation The most obvious reason is that you’re uncomfortable, and it’s important to be comfortable and relaxed when you’re writing. The less obvious reason is…

  • How perfectionists ruin the first draft

    By making the process unnecessarily difficult. The “working under pressure” strategy that worked in high school and undergrad don’t work with the book writing process. Perfectionism murders first drafts, which are actually designed to be full of feel good. This is the enjoyable part. The beautiful thing about a first…