Blogging: Why I started and why I kept going

I originally started blogging because the book-marketing maestros said that it was what I was supposed to do. That when you’re about to drop a book, you should start a blog. So I did. I recall being nervous about posting my book’s release date because I feared not making it and having hundreds of blogging fans in my inbox wondering where the book was. Hilarious, considering that 98% of my readers were two of my friends, my husband, and my mom (when she had time lol).

I immediately fell in love, straying way off course of what I was “supposed” to be writing about. I wrote about almost everything. And still do. I’ve just discovered who my audience is. IT’S ME! It’s women just like me. And by simply blogging my truth and sharing it, I attract them. It’s like having a juicy Facebook status to post, but wanting to say a bit more than people care to read in a social media post. Or finishing a journal entry and realizing that others need to read it. So I blog it.

My love of blogging sends me on hunts for other juicy blogs.

And I find them! Every subject out there has an avant-garde who’s blogging the shit out of whatever is you’re looking for. And there’s so much to learn. So many connections to be made. So many opportunities. Though you can’t cite these sources in academic papers, they’re definitely worth exploring on your own terms. As with anything else, be sure to backup their research before grabbing a mic and spreading the word.

According to Forbes, nine reasons why entrepreneurs should be blogging is because:

  1. It’s your new resume.
  2. It’s your new hiring tool.
  3. Network with new people.
  4. Turn messy ideas into neat ones.
  5. Reflect on your past to improve your future.
  6. Get some peace of mind.
  7. Create your own PR machine.
  8. Juice up your writing skills.
  9. Produce more, consume less.

Why are you blogging?