The Awesomeness of Black Women Conferences

The #LifeBalConf13 was yet another #amazing Black Women’s Conference.

At this point, I can’t count how many black women conferences that I’ve been to. They’ve all varied in terms of costs, location, audience size, theme, and organizational structure. Typically, I go to conferences alone. This time, a friend of mine wanted to tag along. It so happened to be her first time participating in a Black Women’s Conference. Did she like it? Hell no!

She loved it!

me and melia

As did I. Afterwards, we reflected on and discussed our experiences. Ultimately, we agreed that all black women, regardless of their status or goals, should attend at least one conference that is designed with the brown girl in mind. Here are 4 reasons why:

1. Speakers

These conferences have a way of selecting top-notch, more than qualified, down-to-earth, inspirational speakers that look just like you. They speak on topics that either relate to you or someone that you know.

The speakers are usually leaders in their fields/industries and share their personal and professional experiences (ups and downs) and advice. They’ve been doing what they do for awhile and therefore have awesome connections that they’re more than willing to share, which brings us to our next reason…

founder speaking  host speaking  nurturing breakthroughs Sex talk

2. Networking

Conferences are full of coaches, professors, doctors, counselors, engineers, artists, producers, authors, poets, entrepreneurs, publishers, and the list goes on and on. You’re encouraged, though not forced, to chat with others; share who you are and what you do.


At one conference, I (literally) dared myself to start a convo with a well-dressed woman beside me. She was a dentist. I’m an author. She has always wanted to write a book, but didn’t know how to get started. Bingo!

Do yourself a huge favor and get some business cards. Now. The basics of a business card includes your name, email address, and phone number. If you have a website, cool…add that too. Have a title? Add that too? If not, don’t worry about it. Stick with the basics. You never know who you will meet and the last thing that you want to do is to have to scribble your name/number on a napkin. Tacky, right? Trust me, I know. Been there, done that. 

business cards

3. Vendors

Custom hand-made jewelry, organic soaps/oils/butters, books, music, art, food, consultation sessions, and whatever else that some kickass entrepreneur decided to come out and share!

akilah table

4. Atmosphere

Afros, dreadlocks, weaves, blow-outs, fades, and twist-outs. Smiles, laughter, motivation, compliments, and networking. Pictures, workshops, contests, giveaways, and giving/getting. And, soooo much Love + Light.


5. Vacation

In addition to all the awesomeness that the conferences themselves provide, they also offer an opportunity/excuse for you to get away. If you can, visit conferences that are in other cities/states/countries. Explore while you’re there. Pair up with other attendees (or fly solo), and have a ball!
