Meditation to make writing less dreadful

The God-honest truth about writing is that it’s hard.


Writing is hard.


I don’t ever argue against the fact that is, but I wanted to make sure that I said that, just like that. It’s hard. It can be spiritually and financially rewarding, therapeutic even, but it can also be stressful.


I just finished writing a novel in two months. Fiction usually takes me a year at least to complete, so this is, by far, the fastest one I’ve written. 


Now it’s time to go back and re-read it and fix the parts that I don’t like. And I feel like instead of being allowed to go outside and play, I have to clean my room. I dread opening the laptop and I actually avoided it altogether yesterday. 


My deadline is tomorrow at midnight, so no more dodging. I gotta get it done.


I tried this AMAZING meditation before I started today and it was so…nerve-settling. I felt relaxed and capable. That might sound extra, but if you’ve ever been through the trenches of writing, then you feel me. Feeling capable before and especially during a writing session is a piece of manna from heaven.


For the meditation, you need:


  • 37 minutes of me-time
  • Laptop or something to write with
  • Alarm (I used my cell phone)
  • Desire to write 


Part 1:

1 Read steps 1-5.

2 Get comfy.

3 Set an alarm for 1 minute and 11 seconds.

4 Close your eyes and do nothing until it rings.

5 Don’t time yourself, but take about 30 seconds to write about the meditation.

Part 2:

6 Set an alarm for 3 minutes.

7 Chill until it rings (meditate).

8 Write about it for 30 seconds.

Part 3:

9 Now start working on your project for 20 minutes (instead of timing myself, I just knew my end time).

10 Break for 5 minutes without timing yourself.

11 Set alarm for 7 minutes.

12 Meditate.

13 Write about it.


If you want to keep writing after the third meditation, which I did, go for it. If you don’t, you’re done. You got in 20 minutes of writing (or self-editing). Whenever that dreadful feeling shows up, try this three-part meditation and see if it helps. I got a helluva lot more accomplished than when I drag to the computer and huff and puff the whole way through.


Try it and let me know how it works for you. 


One response to “Meditation to make writing less dreadful”

  1. Ashley Butler Avatar
    Ashley Butler

    This is awesome. I will definitely test this out at my leisure as I’m dealing with writers block and the inability to convey my thoughts through the appropriate words.