5 things you don’t know about me as a writer

I recently read a post of 25 things about Erykah Badu that you probably didn’t know. It was more hilarious and relatable than enlightening. I wanted to do the same and writing came to mind, of course. I wondered what I could share about myself as a writer that my tribe would be able to nod at and maybe even laugh to. Here’s what I came up with. It ain’t 25, but it’s a hot 5. 

1 – I don’t write everyday

Some days I’m full of stuff to say and I just want to write and skip and sip tea and wink at strangers in the cafe. Other times I’m feeling very deeply and I want to journal without second guessing what comes to mind. Then there are days when I don’t wanna have nothing to do with none of it. It’s rare, but it happens. 

2 – I be confused as shit

One of my clients recently apologized for feeling like she was wasting my time, going back and forth with what she wanted to do. Write a short e-book, a full printed book, a magazine, blog series, etc.? I suggested going with all of ’em. Eventually, one will grab you. It’s not always the platform you’re struggling with though. Sometimes you can’t chose which story you wanna tell first, or from which point of view you want to tell it. I’ve scratched my head over all dat, and my solution is working on both (or all four) until I get that final aha moment! Like I told her, “Shit like that works for us indecisive folk.” 

3 – I sometimes doubt if I’m even that good

Most people go through this (singers, mamas, teachers, politicians, strippers, etc.). Your favorite rapper’s favorite rapper experiences doubt too (except maybe Kanye). Managed self-doubt ain’t so bad though. I shared this on Instagram: One of my favorite local artists recently told me that he wasn’t that good. Spirit said shut up before I could correct him. He said his brother was a GREAT painter, but never produced anything because he was so hard on himself. He, on the other hand, had no problem creating because the pressure wasn’t present. Him saying that gave me permission to be okay with sometimes feeling like I’m not all that and more freedom to pretend I’m seven years old and saying whatever, however. 

Too, I’m doing a series of painting + poetry workshops with six different groups here in Savannah: blind and low-vision, speech and hearing, stroke patients, elderly in assisted living homes, after-school pre-teens, and intellectually disabled teens. No lie, guess whose visual art is best (in my opinion, at least)? The blind and the intellectually disabled. They’re just creating without worrying about anything. 

4 – I have drawers and files and folders full of unfinished pieces

Everything from blog posts and books. Some of it, I plan to pick back up on soon. Most of it, I’ll get around to later. And a select few might not ever be touched again. Shrugs. As I was telling another client though, be conscious of why it’s unfinished. With my third novel, for example, I’m waiting until winter when business tends to slow down for me. Another book I’d like to write, I just feel there’s more life I need to live first. I gotta few in there that I just can’t get my words right with. Some, the timing ain’t right. I got bored with a few of ’em. And I’m finally over fearing putting my stuff out there, but it might be that for you. Fear will sit with you as long as you let it. You might end up with a 30-year backburner book (which is okay if you’re okay with it). You do notice how fast time is flying, right?  

5 – I can’t reread my books

Toni Morrison said she can’t either, and I can sit back more comfortably knowing that (lol). I go through the whole process of writing it and rewriting it and having it edited, but once it’s out there, I’m done with it. Not so much my non-fiction; I still use my Purple Petals journal and a few months after Women Who Ain’t Afraid to Curse When Communicating with God dropped, I went through and did all the prompts just like a new reader would. The novels though? I enjoy the reviews, but I just can’t. 


The keyword to this post was “manage.” When it comes to writing, I’m pretty good at managing what could otherwise hold me back. That’s where coaching comes in at. Some things (money and occasionally my emotions), I’m not so good at managing alone and need help. Let that be the takeaway here. Don’t ask me about money, because I’ll have you jacked up out here. But if you need help writing, I got you

Now I can get nosy: What’s your craft and what’s one (or a few) of your unknown truths? 


2 responses to “5 things you don’t know about me as a writer”

  1. Sharisa Robertson Avatar

    So number 5, same for me. Once published I am done. My unknown truth, I can’t always recall what I write. I have to refer or take notes on my own stuff…..You know number two is my personal favorite, right. Lol

  2. Harmony Avatar

    I can’t wait until we start officially working together! The paint/poetry class is what I would love to and I purchased all of the supplies. I just need help with organization, confidence etc. The crazy thing is I really don’t consider myself a good artist but I love painting if that makes any sense.
