How to properly summon your writing gauge

Yesterday, I posted about wanting to finish your book, but not feeling like writing. I explained the concept of the writing gauge and how it works. Since then, I’ve been asked how to know what number you’re at. Great question!

If you’ve had a hectic day, don’t go reading your writing gauge in the middle of doing chores or immediately after work. Wait until you’ve finished cleaning and showering. Meditate. Do some reading. Whatever “stepping back” means for you, do that.

At this point, you’re customizing your own writing ritual. And it may look very different depending on the day and mood. That’s cool. Just go with the flow, remembering that consistency is key. Writing is a connection between the mind, body and spirit. It begins mentally, happens physically and is influenced spiritually.

Needs of the spirit can be only be satisfied when we care for the soul. -Bell Hooks

Care for the soul consistently as in daily. Blend them mofos if you can. When don’t feel like doing shit, that’s the best time to care for self. When that’s what my mood looks like, I stretch and speak positively while doing so. I might pray, chant what I’m grateful for, verbalize an I-am list, or repeat my womb mantra:

Once you’ve stepped back, then close your eyes and place one hand over your womb area and the other over your heart. Take several deep breaths. I recommend at least four, but go until you feel you’re relaxed. When finished, ask yourself how you feel. Most times, I will see my number. 

If that’s not the case, then just allow your spirit to decide what it’s capable of this writing session. Your mind and body will naturally follow suit. Release any guilt, shame, blame or negative self-talk, as those are extremely low vibrating energies that do absolutely nothing for your productivity or performance.



One response to “How to properly summon your writing gauge”

  1. […] [Before you meter your mood, read this.] […]