Getting the readers you REALLY want for your blog

I’m in the process of moving my products and services over to its new home on The blog will still be here though. Instead of directly copying/pasting everything over, I wanted to redesign. It’s kind of like moving to a new place, I guess. I was okay with using the same furniture, I just wanted it rearranged in my new place.

I went back and revisited some of my favorite sites, along with a couple of new ones. I looked into their services/products, and took particular note of the ones that spoke to me. One actually had me ready to pull my credit card out and sign up. Before clicking Buy Now, I paused and wondered why that was.

It’s because she was speaking directly to me. 

Zodiacs, I dig, but the day-to-day horoscope readings, not so much. Reason being, they’re too generic. More than likely, I can just as easily identify with the other signs as I can Pisces. I want something like my Myers-Briggs results, something to make me feel like it was made specifically for Trelani Michelle Duncan.

Can you relate?

Your readers feel the exact same way. You want them to flock to your blog and subscribe and comment and share, but before you can attract them, you have to clearly know who they are, which is why I suggest that you first…

Think of it as a party.

If it’s a blog, visualize a launching or however-many-years anniversary party. If a book, consider the book signing. What kind of music would be playing? Would it have bright lights or dim lighting? What kind of people would be in attendance, and what would they be wearing? What kind of food would be served? Would you be standing, sitting, or doing something? 

Mine showed up as a small, intimate circle. The music is playing really low in the background, and no one particular person is in charge. We’re just vibing and everybody is getting something from this moment. We’re having those super deep conversations that stirs up many head nods, maybe a few tears, and beaucoup laughs. We’re deeply connected with one another because, though our upbringing may vary, we somehow managed to all arrive at these very similar beliefs and desires. The feelings that you describe, I can feel them with you.

That’s my party. How does yours show up for you? Let’s stick with the party theme as we move on to consider the next prompt which is to…

Consider how much of you is in your guests.

My body relationship coach once mentioned that she’d been warned that her clients would mirror her. Lemme tell you, after publishing What the Devil Meant for Bad, for one, I was nervous as shit because it was my first release. It was very well-received, however. In fact, I was approached by dozens of women who were able to identify with Shantelle’s feelings and fears.

I also see much of me in my readers and followers. Again, our experiences may not match, but the feelings of those bad boys? Lord have mercy… We’ve all gone through a lot. We’re observers, influencers, nurturers, teachers, rebels, and wanderlusts. Giving back to our communities is of high priority, as is self-care. And though we’re extremely ambitious, we’re also perfectionists who “work better under pressure.”

Knowing this, it’s easier to write copy and create products/services that my readers love, need and want! Problem is, now the “what ifs” begin to show up, meaning it’s time to begin…

Getting the readers and clients you really want.

After describing my blog as a party and identifying just how much of me is in my guests, it’s time to write the content. It’s time to put it out there in the universe what it is that you really want. Everyone won’t read my blogs/books and get it, but my tribe does. Everyone won’t see the value in book coaching, but my guests do.

And if you want your guests to show up, sign up, or buy now, then you have to make that connection. You have to speak with them directly. Ignore the other circumstances that might apply, and really zero in on what your party guests are feeling and wanting and needing, then speak to that.

The 28th of this month will mark my first year of full-time entrepreneurship. Biggest lesson: Focus on attracting what you want and stop worrying about leaving money on the table. If the vibe ain’t there, most times the money ain’t even worth it. Though I may never meet them, my readers have relationships with me as I do them. My writing clients share relationships with me as well, and I really want relationships that are mutually fulfilling.

Comment below, sharing what your party looks like and what your readers are into. And for more writing resources like this, sign up for my weekly newsletter and follow me on Instagram