Four things I learned from my first facial

Last week, I was received my first facial from Honeysuckle Moon (beautiful name, right?). I met her at last year’s Black Women Life Balance and Wellness Conference. I purchased some of her amazing oils and connected with her on Facebook. I reconnected with her at this year’s conference where she was the keynote speaker, giving us great tools on how to naturally and harmoniously enhance our beauty and wellness.

Later that day, while perusing Facebook, I stumbled across a post where she shared that she’d just finished giving a facial. That was right up my intended alley of spending my weekend. Rest, relaxation and release were all components of my four-day trip. While I wasn’t really feeling like the whole spa experience, a private facial was exactly what I wanted. And it’s exactly what I got which taught me my first facial lesson:

My desires are pre-manifestations.

A few months ago, I tweeted a brief list of random desires. Amongst them was more plant-based, homemade products, spa treatments, soy-based candles, and t-shirts with bold statements. I’d journaled them first, but I signified the tweeting as a way of sending it out into the Universe (lol). Good thing I did because it happened. They may be small desires, but shit, it’s happening and I didn’t have to aggressively make it happen.

Seeing my desires as pre-manifestations reminds me that they will soon happen. Desires are not just random lovebugs flying around my mind. They’re seeds that are soon to sprout. That being said, I should be more specific and confident in my requests. More importantly, I need to get to writing more desires! It’s a lot of shit that I want and if writing down makes it happen then it’s time to get to writing.

[Learn how I can help you express your pre-manifestations in writing.]

Give them an experience. 

More specifically, my experience. Honeysuckle Moon invited me into her home. Sat before me and calmly and warmly asked me how I was enjoying my Sunday. Following my response, she asked my friend. She let me know what I could expect and asked me if I had any concerns. I lay back on the table and fully took in my surroundings–physically and metaphysically.

It was obvious that she had set the tone. She had done some praying, meditating, smudging, or something to clear the space. The energy was light and welcoming. I absorbed and enjoyed every second of what was happening in my life at that moment. I didn’t just receive a service (the facial). I received an experience. What I received in that evening cannot be repeated by any other esthetician. That was uniquely a Honeysuckle Moon experience.

Be willing to give in order to receive.

What I didn’t expect was to hear that the facial cost $87. I also didn’t expect the recommended products to add up to $50. Then again, I manifested this. It was exactly what I wanted and it was worth it. So I paid it and made arrangements to make the experience a part of my skincare regimen.

“Spiritual entrepreneurs” such as myself find it difficult to set higher prices. However, it’s worth it. We’re giving you quality products and services that cost time, money, effort, and energy. Why not charge what we deserve? It’s neither greed nor unrealistic. Quoting Honeysuckle Moon, “as long as you charge 2-3 times the cost of production, and stay within that range, then you’ll be okay.” As a fellow spiritual entrepreneur, I can’t expect others to be willing to invest in the quality of my products and services if I ain’t willing to do the same.

Pay more attention to what you’re not paying attention to. 

Products in hand, I then needed to know what to do with them. I surely wasn’t about to be spending the two hours that she spent on my face in the mirror. She asked me what my typical regime looked like. Prior to, I lathered up my hands with my bar of facial soap, rubbed it all over my face, splashed it with cool water, and patted it dry. The whole process took less than one minute.

Her jaw dropped when I told her this. Though I’ve been doing it that way since forever, I’d previously never thought nothing of it. I was cleaning my face everyday. What more could you ask for (lol)? She offered a new process that would require a little more time and TLC but that would still work with my lifestyle. I’m just not an all-day-in-the-mirror type of girl and her suggestions complemented that. Easy. I realized, too, that I was neglecting an important part of my health: my skin’s health. Now I know 🙂


3 responses to “Four things I learned from my first facial”

  1. Honeysuckle Moon Avatar


    It was, indeed, a pleasure to work with you and to read this article regarding your wellness experience with me in the Roots, Trees and Flowers! Never step away from your journal and pen, Queen… We need more of you. Boundless Blessings!

    Ms. honeysuckle Moon

  2. Trelani Avatar

    Thank you again and again 🙂

  3. Perita B. Price Avatar

    Trelani, after reading about your facial experience, even though the actual process was not discussed, I felt the atmosphere. I felt that HM knew how to set a relaxing tone. I would love to have a Honeysuckle Moon facial! Also, I’ve begun following you because I am writing my story as well as doing workshops and forums for women. I am fashioning my New Year’s workshop around journaling and you’ve given me food for thought.
