What I’m Reading (And Recommending!)

So the prompt for today’s #BlogSmallBiz blogging challenge is to discuss the book that you’re reading or one that you’ve already read and would recommend. I read far too many books to put myself through the torture of trying to decide on one book to recommend. Therefore, I decided to review what I’m currently reading. And my mojo consists of reading two books at a time: one fiction and the other non-fiction. I’m reading…

One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia 


I didn’t know that this was a children’s book going in, but loved the cover and once I read the book’s description, it didn’t matter that it was a children’s book. The string of words that glided my index finger right over to the Buy Now With 1-Click button was this:

their mother sends them to a day camp run by the Black Panthers.

I’m about 80% into the book and I’m really digging it. I didn’t start getting into it until I was about 20% in, but it rolled nonstop from there. I think I like reviewing a book before I’m finished with it. After all, you know whether or not a book is good (or damned good) before finishing the last page.

This would actually be a fun book to read with your kids, if you have them. It’s told from the perspective of the oldest sister of three girls who are basically meeting their mother for the first time during a summer break. And as the awesome one liner ahead noted, the icing is the presence of the Panthers. Plenty of laughs and moments of thoughts. And you’ll do a bunch of remembering-when. It’s reconnecting me with my Inner Little Girl, and I’m feeling that.

The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte


I learned of her about a year ago. Seems that as soon as I’d learned who she was, I peeped that her name was floating around my newsfeeds a good bit. So, I checked her out and LOVED it! This weekend she held a special, offering her electronic products at whatever price you set it for. I went ahead and got the entire bundle. I’m about 30%, and son…it’s feeding me.

The Desire Map, if I’m not mistaken, is one of the first ones. I’m learning a lot about her journey to where she is now. I’m a huge fan of exploring backgrounds (or is it called “nosey”?). Its target audience is your Self, particularly when it comes to know what you want, which feelings the goals are representing, being okay with having desires (material or otherwise), and how you plan to obtain it.

It’s a really good book, and though the special is over, it’s still worth the money to purchase at full price. I recommend it for anyone who desires to experience more fulfillment in their goal setting and…life. Check her out next time you’re on social media: Danielle Laporte. And if you’re on Goodreads, then let’s–me and you– <link> up over there, too.


One response to “What I’m Reading (And Recommending!)”

  1. Yonnie Williford Avatar
    Yonnie Williford

    Both books sound great! Nothing like a little non-fiction and fiction to balance out a voracious reading habit.