New Year’s Resolution: Don’t Waste Your Time

A new year is approaching and we’re ready to tackle it. 2013 was un-fucking-believable, meaning that 2014 will be even better.

creating resolution

We’re focused and just to make sure that we kick off our vision right, it’s time to set some new goals. What better time to do that than on January 1st? I mean, next to birth, that’s like the ultimate clean slate. Right? But before you do that, lemme save you some time. Don’t even bother with a New Year’s resolution, because:

1. January 1st only comes once a year.

With non-NYR goals, you can start over whenever you get ready to. Fall down and get right back up. Well, with a failed New Year’s Resolution, you might try again once or twice. The chances of restarting the goal a third time is unlikely. And the worst part? You have a whole ‘nother year before the next opportunity rolls around.

Alternative: Choose to start your goals at the beginning of new weeks (Sundays) or new months (the 1st). If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, then gone start now 😉

2. Your track record with New Year’s resolutions sucks.

How many have many times have you set goals in the name of January 1st? Now, how many of these goals have you accomplished? Exactly. Same here. I’m with you, but don’t feel bummed about it. According to Forbes, more than 40% of Americans will make New Year’s Resolutions while only 8% will achieve them.

Alternative: Stop waiting until the beginning of the year to make a shitload of huge goals. Instead, make reasonable goals throughout the year.

3. It disregards today.

There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live. –Dalai Lama

You have a vision that will obviously improve your life. Girl, go ahead and start reaping those benefits. By waiting until the New Year to do this, you’re putting off your happiness and a better you.

Alternative: Start today.

However, if you must; if you’re a rebel like me; if you’re a creature of habit; if you wanna do it for the hell of it; if you’re for real, for real this time, then…

Rename it.

Don’t call it a New Year’s resolution. Doing so is like cursing it. Instead, call it something else like your January goal. And if you’re really for real, for real, then treat it accordingly. Be reasonable.

If you don’t work out at all, don’t aim to start working out five times a week. Start slow. If you don’t write right now, start low; plan to write at least 200 words per day. Learn from your mistakes. Figure out why your NYR track record sucks. Stop setting yourself up to fail.

Set deadlines.

Let’s say the goal begins on January 1st. On February 1st, go back to the drawing board, asking yourself these questions:

  • Is it working?
  • Is it too difficult?
  • Unreasonable?
  • Too easy?
  • Am I ready to turn up the heat?
  • Or, is it just right?

Honestly answer these questions and then revisit the drawing board on March 1st. Set an alarm on your phone. Make it a date. Add it to your Google calendar, or if you’re an old school geek like me, then add it to the cute little planner that you keep in your purse. Holding yourself accountable is critical.


Where do you stand? Are you going with the New Year Resolution anyway? Or, have you already thrown that shit out of the window?



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