Am I the only one who would have defined the Rastafarian as people wearing red, green, and gold, listening to reggae, and smoking weed all day?
While these are factual descriptive elements, they are a long shot away from defining this Movement. It could be compared to a religion, but the followers prefer to see it as a way of life.
It originated in Jamaica (that much was pretty “guessable”) during the 1930s under Marcus Garvey, a black nationalist, and has since spread nearly everywhere in the world and amongst all most races. There is a TON of info regarding this Movement; I will attempt to briefly get the facts across.
Most of their material derives from the Holy Bible. For example, God is called “Jah” and is the same God that is served in traditional Christianity only Jah resides in us. One would refer to themselves as “I and I” Jesus died and rose and was reincarnated. He still lives with us today according to Rastafarians. His name is Haile Selassie I. He is a direct descendant from the union of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba.
He was also the Ethiopian Emperor and reportedly died in 1975 though many argued that his death was a hoax; God cannot die. Bob Marley made a song called “Jah Live” which explains the whole ordeal. He simply entered a monastery will one day return to liberate his followers and restore creation.
Traditional Christianity is seen as a collection of false information that was created and implemented as a means of keeping black people in oppression (which they verbalize as “downpression”). Western society is considered “Babylon” and is said to be corrupted by materialism and greed.
- Heaven is not in the sky and we don’t have wait until we die to get there. Heaven is in Ethiopia.
- Our bodies are temples and should be treated as such. The Rastan diet consists of no meat and no added chemicals. Drugs and alcohol and especially forbidden as they pollute your body and obstruct awareness. Key note: Marijuana is not considered a drug; it opens their minds and assists in logical reasoning. See: Genesis 1:11, Genesis 1:29, Psalms 104:14, Revelation 22:2
- Menstruating women abide by hygiene laws which in summary states that she is unclean during this time and the seven days following it. Everything she touches is defiled. However, it should be emphasized that women are treated with the upmost respect and honor.
- Dreadlocks were ordered to be grown in Leviticus 21:5, Numbers 6:5, and were verified in the story of Samson losing his strength due to his hair being cut. Note: Samsun was black as it was mentioned that he had “seven locks” of hair.
- Green, gold, and red are symbolic. Foremost, they are the colors of the Ethiopian flag. Red represents the blood of victims, green for the lush vegetation and beauty of Ethiopia, and gold for the wealth of Africa.
- Reggae music is used as a channel to express Rasta doctrine. Note: Bob Marley is not the only artists; try Peter Tosh, Black Uhuru, Queen Ifrica (my favorite), Burning Spear, The Congos, etc.
- As in traditional Christianity, you have various sects including Catholicism, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc.; well most Rastas don’t belong to a sect. However, there are a few: Nyahbinghi Order, Bobo Ashanti, and the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
As stated above, my intent is not to write a research paper about it, but to simply clear up misconceptions, and enlighten others on the Rastafarian Movement.