Happy Birthday to Me: 25 Years of Synchronicity

“All you have to do is know where you’re going. The answers will come to you of their own accord.” –Earl Nightingale

As of today, I am 25 years old. 25. Isn’t that the number that we all goo goo ga ga over when you’re younger. I mean at 25, we planned to have it all together. I planned to be married, with two kids (a boy and girl), graduated from law school, working as an attorney in DC, two cars, a big house, etc. Well I have the husband, the kids, a Bachelor’s, and one car (well two, if you count his, I guess).

Life pulled me in another direction. I didn’t ex the plans of law school until recently. I took a little heat for that, but oh well. I’m naturally rebellious so I could always stand a little heat. I’d taken my LSAT and everything, but it just didn’t excite me. Not one step of the process was thrilling for me. I was just ready to get it over with.

I heard the term “synchronicity” for the first time last night. I’d just finished meditating and was checking my email before bed. I couldn’t have possibly read it at a better time and on a better night. Reading about synchronicity was an element of synchronicity on its own. I’ll use it in this post to explain how I veered away from law school to where I am now going.

I graduated with my Bachelor’s in December of 2012. I self-published my debut novel the same day. I threw a party for both. I could care less about the degree that took me 7 years to obtain. Whatever.

book release party


I was excited about my damn book. I was already despising my job at the time, but knew that it was the best thing for the moment ($14.85 per hour, 40 hours per week, and excellent benefits); where else was I going to do better?

I was reading a book which made me think of my old philosophy professor. I emailed her a quote from the book and let her know that it made me think of her. We chatted a bit then she mentioned that she’d taken on a higher position at the school and wanted to offer me a job. More money and doing something that I love to do? Plus, I get to attend any university in Georgia for free. Hell yeah, I’ll take two of those please :)

I kept writing. I published two short stories and realized that I really like to write. In fact, I have to write. I began searching for creative writing programs, found one, and was accepted. I was a bit leery at first since it was online, but I asked my supervisor about it and she stamped her approval. Coincidentally, she also teaches Philosophy there. I had no idea of that fact prior to our conversation. Perfect. I really can’t recall ever being more anxious about something in all of my life. I was never really a jumping up and down, “are we there yet?” type of kid. Real chill, you know. So for me to be excited spoke volumes.

Thennnn, a phenomenal woman that I met at a writing conference (we’d been maintaining somewhat of a connection) reached out and asked if I blogged. Uh, yeah. She checked out my site and offered me a position as a Wealth and Wellness editor for her “blogazine.” I checked it out, loved the site, loved the benefits of the position, and decided to take it on. In case any of you care to peek, it’s: Liberatedbitches.com. Every time that an article that I write is accepted and posted, I want to jump up and down and ask the freaking Universe, “Am I there yet?”


But I’m not. I don’t know how I know that, but I do. I have a long way to go. It’ll be a difficult journey, but enlightening and fulfilling. At the end of the day, that’s what matters most to me so I’m down. I’m ready. I’m 25 years old. I’m not where I planned to be, but I’m where I need to be and that’s exactly where I want to be. I’m happy. I’m blessed. I’m me.

Happy birthday to me :)