How a Poem Strengthened My Character Development

All five-star fiction books out there have two things in common: one of them is a kickass plot. The other is some badass…

Character Development

Any how-to book out there on writing fiction will tell you that character development is essential. From the story’s beginning to its ending, your character(s) should have evolved.

They had a HUGE goal and either got it or they didn’t. They learned a lesson. They’re not perfect; they have flaws, habits, preferences, goals, fears, etc. Even though they’re imaginary, they’re people. At least, good writer will make it seem as so.

character development

Now on to this poem…

I was asked by a friend to co-host a poetry night: Speaking to Harmony. One of the requirements as a host is to have a few poems of your own just in case traffic is slow. I was dreading this part.

As most other authors that I know, my passion for writing began with poetry. Somewhere along the lines it stopped. Eventually it picked back up in the form of stories. All of that to say that I knew that I could do it, but…

What would I talk about?

Being the procrastinator that I am, I had less than two hours to come up with a good four poems. So, as Steve from Blue’s Clues sang, “I [had to] sit down in my thinking chair and think…think…think.”

Since I couldn’t come up with anything, I decided to let Pam write the poem. After all, that was her hobby. She was going through some things and I was sure that the opportunity would have done her some justice.

It did just that.

poetry for character developmentI understood her deeper. I learned more of what she’d gone through and why she reacts the way that she do. You could say that I was one with Pam. Consequently, I was able to present her more effectively.

Her poem strengthened my character development.

Poetry is now a tool in my toolbox. When that infamous writer’s block kicks in, you need something to combat it with. Character development is one of those things that you absolutely cannot skimp on, and if you find that it’s something that’s difficult for you, then try a poem.

Since you can never have too many tools in your box, I’m forever open to gathering more.

What is your method of strengthening character development?



One response to “How a Poem Strengthened My Character Development”

  1. LaTonya Harris Avatar

    Thanks for sharing. I never looked at my poems in that way. What insight.