My harvests wouldn’t allow me to quit.
Completing a manuscript, editing, publishing, and endlessly marketing is EXHAUSTING! (Tired of the “ing’s” yet?) Between December 2012 and February 2013, I’ve published one novel and two short stories. That may be nothing to some of you, but that was a lot for little ole’ me.
I’d (unofficially) decided to take a break. By “unofficially” I mean that I didn’t verbally announce it or personally decide that it was really needed. Instead, I made consecutive excuses as to why I couldn’t write or market. That lasted for…let’s see…two weeks, at the most.
The successes of those written works wouldn’t stop. Don’t get me wrong. It slowed down significantly for a little while, but picked right back up. I was asked by my alma mater to speak on being a self-published author. From there, I met another local author. She introduced me to her book club where they so happened to be having a guest author the same day.
Networking extended further than my itty bitty imagination could have possibly dreamed and here I am–blogging, writing, quoting, and researching all over again.
Oh yeah and another plus…my neighbor, whom I gifted one of my books to three months ago finally decided to pick it up and read it. She stopped my husband in front of the house this morning going on and on about how much she loved the book. I’d assumed that either she read it and didn’t like it or never intended to read it. Come to find out, she (obviously) wasn’t listening to me when I gave her the book and didn’t know that I was the author (as if I go around distributing random books).
These are mere two examples. The list goes on and on. It just goes to show that if you put your heart and soul into your passions…and by planting those seeds…they HAVE to sprout. The Universe said so and when you feel like quitting, your harvests won’t allow you to. That’s how you know you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing.