15-Day Self-Exploration through Writing Challenge

Background on how this came about: Two nights ago, on 4/20 to be exact, I decided to consciously do something in between now and the retreat next month. Something for me, I mean. Something to commit to that wouldn’t be easy, but not too hard either.

Time Out to Tune In came to mind.

It’s a 15-page ebook that I wrote to help writers write better. The two components that separates a good writer from a damn good writer are courage and consistency, and this book helps with just that. The first chapter calls for you to write about a time that you successfully did something you were scared as shit to do.

I ended up writing about quitting my job at the university to work for myself full-time. So, so many emotions. I was excited, relieved, and scared as hell. While writing about it, I remembered that I was reading Jen Sincero’s book, You Are a Badass, at the time. I got dressed super cute that day, showed up about an hour before everybody else, and had to verbally push myself into writing (and sending) my two-weeks notice. I can still feel the weight of that decision in my chest, stomach, and thighs. All three were tense.

On to chapter two. The instructions for this day is to go back and re-read a few chapters of a book that you loved, then make a list of things you love about the writing style. I decided to go back to You Are a Badass. A few things I scribbled down were:

  • She puts herself out there first.
  • She’s funny.
  • I trust her and can relate to her.
  • She’s experienced the high and low.
  • Her writing is really visual. I can see what she’s talking about.

The list that you create is what you’ll use to help you polish your own pieces that you write while working through the challenge. I’m 100% sure you will get something out of this that you didn’t even expect to. Like, it was meant for me to re-read this book and I ain’t even know it. Down to her sharing how she got three parking tickets in one month, and the fact that I JUST DID THE SAME DAMN THANG!

Everything she’s spitting is exactly what I need in this moment. And I didn’t need to reread the whole book. What I needed, I got. Now I’m on chapter 3 of Time Out of Tune In and even more lightbulbs are flashing! That’s why I had to make this a thing and formally invite you to this challenge of exploring YOU.
It’s all about you. And you ain’t gotta be “official” to benefit from it. Just curious(and committed) to see what will come out of it for you as a writer. That’s it.

Are you feeling that?

If so, leave your email address below (or email directly: Trelani@SoFundamental.com) and I’ll email you the full details of the first day’s activity. Easy.

P.S.: You don’t have to own the book to do this and it’s not important that we’re all on the same chapter at the same time.